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Old 06-27-2011, 09:21 PM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post Rupert Grint & Phelps twins attend Madrid Deathly Hallows: Part 2 photo call

Rupert Grint and James and Oliver Phelps began the promotional period of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 on Monday evening in Madrid, Spain, where they took part in a photo call and panel discussion with a thousand fans over at the Kinopolis theatre. Photos of the three Weasley actors in the red carpet can be found in our galleries.

Rupert and the Phelps twins also took part in a live chat with Lost 40 in Madrid earlier today about their work in the Harry Potter film series. Translated highlights of that are below.
What was it like kissing Emma Watson?
Yes, I mostly don't remember, it has been erased from my memory. It was weird, because I knew her a long time and it was very unnatural. But we always knew we had to film it.
Oliver: It was difficult because she had more experience.

What's the strangest thing that has happened with a fan?
I sent a watermelon with Rupert's signature.
Oliver: I met a guy who had a tattoo on his arm of Dan when I went out, but it was very well done
James: A drunk staggered approached me and cried 'hey, Weasley! "

If you were a female Harry Potter character you wish you had played?
: It would not be Ginny because I would have to kiss Dan
James: The Spider
Oliver: Professor Sprout

How do you feel now that you have completed the Harry Potter series?
There are many feelings, it has been an important part of our lives, and it is shocking to know that over. It took getting used and miss. It was a very long shoot, exhausting, and has also been a relief.
Oliver: I think we are still not aware that it was over.
James: I feel like a circle has been closed.

Hello Rupert! I sent a lot of questions I hope you answer some! Who is your favorite actor? and actress?
Bill Murray
Oliver: Tom Hanks
James: Rupert Grint
SnitchSeeker was on hand at the press conference this evening to interview the three actors, and will have that full report later this week.

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