Tangled Webs We Weave - Sa16+ Tangled Webs We Weave
Hey everybody! This is my third fan fiction and hopefully the first on that doesn’t end up in the Inactive Vaults. It’s basically the story of Voldemort returning to power yet again, but this time finding people who don’t know of his true identity and become friends with him. It has a lot of sub-plots, which will get bigger and more important in later chapters, I think. Enjoy! And the prologue begins…
Hey, my name is Fletcher. I’m here to get something straight about reincarnation. Some muggles will tell you that what you do in the Earth Realm determines what you are reincarnated into.
Now, don’t get me wrong, there is a reincarnation process in place. See, when Lucifer was exiled to the Underworld, he was told he could collect as many evil souls as he could. But, for his enjoyment, God put a clause in the situation. He placed reincarnation portals all over hell. Even the most evil of souls get a chance to redeem themselves after being reborn. If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m what you would call a Reincarny. My new name: Fletcher Lynskey. My old name:
Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Yes, yes, it’s very shocking. Lord Voldemort returns once again. But I think my story is one you may enjoy…
See, it all began on the day I died. The day I really died. When the great Harry Potter destroyed all my Horcruxes and finished the deed by killing me during the battle of Hogwarts. I found myself in a strange place. I can’t find the right words to describe it, but it reminded me of King’s Cross station. I understand now I was in the place my old enemy, Potter, was in when I killed the Horcrux inside him in the Forbidden Forest. It’s kind of a limbo for souls when they can’t go to Heaven or the Underworld for some reason. My reason was that I was not a complete soul. I was only a fragment of one. But when I came to King’s Cross, I found the other seven pieces of my soul. They took the form of seven shining balls of light. As I approached them, they floated through my chest, one by one. As I looked down at my hands, they were no longer ghostly white. They felt like normal human hands. I looked down at the rest of my body and realized the rest of me was back to human form as well. I reached up and felt a mass of soft, silky curls on my once bald head. For one wild moment I was glad that I was back to normal, as a human being with a soul.
Next thing I knew, I was in Hell.
And I suppose you don’t need telling how I got out. It took eight years to find a reincarnation portal, but I was finally reborn into the Lynskey family as Fletcher. Fortunately, I was born into a pureblood wizarding family, meaning I could keep my wizard powers. I spent my days plotting more evil schemes to recruit what was left of my Death Eaters and find new ones as well. I would finally accomplish what I had been attempting for twenty-five years.
I was going to kill Harry Potter. HEY PEOPLE LOOK DOWN HERE!!
I forgot to make this disclaimer that Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, who I am not. I AM NOT EVEN CLOSE. I feel ashamed. TT_TT Anyway, I only own the plot and Fletcher Lynskey’s name. Everything else is J.K. Rowling’s. You probably already knew that, but it’ the rules to write this. :O