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Old 06-27-2011, 01:43 AM   #8 (permalink)
z999993's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: 12 Grimmauld Place
Posts: 419
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

So I've been working on this part for like forever!

As soon as the class was over, Carter grabbed his little bother and pulled him out of the classroom without so much as a word to Abel. The Ravenclaw bent down and picked up her wand, which had fallen on the floor a few feet away. Then she dodged through the students to find Aaron helping Jasmine up.
“Are you okay?” Asked Aaron as soon as he saw his sister.
“I’m fine.” She said back. “Are you two okay?”
They both exchanged glances. “About as okay as you can be after being ‘crucio-ed’.” Said Jasmine with an uneasy smile. She adjusted her askew glasses.
“Did Carter…?” began Aaron.
Abel nodded slightly. “Amycus was hovering around us. He had to.”
“Oh.” an expression of anger and dismay passed over his face. “You two have a free period right?” he asked.
The girls nodded.
“Go rest.” he commanded. “I have to get to Transfiguration.” With that he grabbed his bags and followed his classmates out the door.
“Let’s get out of here.” muttered Abel, glancing at the Death Eater standing by his desk. “I don’t want to be the last one out.”

The two weaved in and out of the crowded hallways. They finally came to the Grand Staircase, where they had to wait while a set of stairs shifted to move down to their level. Some of the students passing them were whispering and laughing. Abel caught some of the words they said: Carrows, Filch, painting.
After a moment, Jasmine pulled at her friends sleeve.
“Before we go to the common room, I want to stop on the fourth floor. I want to know why those kids got in trouble.” she said. “And what everyone’s talking about.”
The staircase finally settled, and they quickly climbed up. They pushed past some kids, avoided some patrolling Death Eaters, and scurried down a couple of corridors before they finally got their answer.
A small group of kids were in a semi-circle against one of the hallway’s stone walls. They moved over to the group, standing on their tiptoes to be able to see above the students’s heads.
Filch stood with a bucket and brush in his hand. He was scowling at the wall; His face was twisted up in anger. Mrs. Norris sat at his feet, her tail thumping rhythmically on the ground. Some of the students giggled at the large picture painted on the wall.
The mural was of the Carrows -both Amycus and Alecto- and Filch. Their features were exaggerated. The Carrows looked pudgy and fat, while Filch looked stretched and tall. All of their eyes were just black dots and their mouths a thin line. The two Death Eaters were holding wands, something that just looked like a thin twig.
“Alright, that’s enough!” Shouted Filch angrily. He waved the brush around at the kids.
Abel and Jasmine exchanged a humorous look.
“I can’t believe they did that.” said Jasmine in a voice that was almost unapproving.
“I’m kind of happy they did.” put in Abel. “This school needs a good laugh.”
Jasmine was looking around. Her eyes fell on something that was over Abel’s shoulder. She nudged her and gestured with a nod of her head.
“Carter.” Jasmine mouthed.
Abel spun around. Sure enough, Carter and Connor were standing in an alcove by one of the school’s statues. The younger boy’s face was tearstained. His older brother stood above him, his face contorted in anger.
“Come on.” Abel pulled her friend closer to hear what they were saying, but Jasmine tried to take a step back.
“No. It’s none of our business.” she said.
“Come on.”
They moved closer and were finally able to hear what the two boys were saying above the noise of the students.

“What were you thinking?” growled Carter.
“It’s not fair that you get to run around and do things in the DA and I can’t.” He whined.
“You can’t be in the DA.” He hissed back. “You’re only twelve; you’re too young and it’s too dangerous.”
“Well, you’re only fifteen. You’re not much older than me!” Connor challenged. “And is it’s so dangerous, then why are you in it?”
Don’t worry about me.” he said firmly.
Connor’s eyes fell onto the two girls watching him. When he didn’t respond Carter looked around too.
Jasmine quickly avoided her eyes and made herself busy with the hem of her sleeve. Abel, on the other hand, raised her hand in a wave.
Connor took the distraction to his advantage; He darted away while his brother wasn’t looking. With a quick curse and a sigh, Carter moved over to the girls.
“I like his picture.” Abel commented when he stood next to her.
“It was foolish.” he scoffed.
“But there’s no harm done.” she replied. “Of course he was crucio-ed by a big scary Slytherin,” -Carter raised his eyebrow in a silent question- “But he’s fine now. Come on, Carter, it’s funny.”
“But it was stupid. He shouldn’t have-”
“He’s just trying to live up to his big brother.” Abel said, nudging him with her shoulder.
Carter muttered some inaudible things.
“Okay!” interrupted Jasmine. “Abel and I really should go. We’ve got precious time in our free period and we really don’t want to waste it.” She grabbed her friend’s arm and began to pull her away.
“Hey, Carter, spare you’re brother. He didn’t mean anything by it.” Abel said over her shoulder. She sent him a smile before running down the corridor with Jasmine.
Carter shook his head and turned his attention back to the mural. He said some more things under his breath as they disappeared.

I'll leave it right there.
But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me

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