80. Auther's Choice!
New Baby..
Aged 4♥
{ mini challenge! } Halloween!
Halloween was a time for scaring people, and pulling pranks and tricks. The first part had defiantly happened this Halloween.. possibly the scariest the Eden family had ever had.
Thea had laughed when Flo's waters had broken. They all had, they thought she's suddenly wet herself...
Their Father however, had sprung into action straight away. It was the fastest Thea had ever seen him move!
Marley rolled his eyes. 'All hands on deck..' He had muttered, getting to his feet and taking off his mask.
Marley was left in charge and Alfie had bundled Flo into the car along with her hospital bag and blankets. The five Eden children didn't really know what too do.. they just sat there, twiddling their thumbs.
'I bet it's a boy..' Thea suddenly piped up.
'Who cares!' Marley snapped. Thea rolled her eyes, throwing a cushion at him. Shuddering, she curled up a bit more. She had also thought it was a Halloween joke, when Flo had had to lean against the wall grunting in pain. It was scary, and she'd been sweating bucket loads! Now there was just the wait for the new Eden child to be born..
Seth Daniel Eden was born a few hours later. Thea's hunch had been right.
Pretty good for a 4 year old..