Final part of Chapter Three 1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me!
You see Justin had thought that if he were to act impolite that the rest of
the kids would maybe leave him alone. Instead his answer would be followed
by another question and now he had to do a bit of back-pedaling to smooth
things over. " I'm sorry, it's just that I don't feel very well because I'm really
quite nervous about being sorted. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything. "
explained Justin.
" Justin, we're all nervous about what house we'll be sorted into. You
know we all have high expectations... family expectations to get into certain
houses too. But at the end of day it's not really up to us so much. It comes
down to where that bloody hat places us." , said Roberta.
" I say we all just sit back and relax while we can 'cause after tonight we'll
be starting our classes."
And so the four new friends sat quietly as the wagon bounced on through
the early evening. About an hour or so had gone by when the wagon came to
a stop, waking Justin, Tom, Benny, and Roberta. The four of them had fallen
asleep while the wagon bounced along, basically rocking them to sleep.
Rubbing their eyes as they took a look at the boats that would carry them on
the final leg of their journey to Hogwarts.
They quickly found the first empty boat and climbed inside of it. They
didn't want to be left behind to be stuck with a group of students that they
didn't know. They were already nervous enough. As they floated across the
water Justin had realized that the boat was propelling itself with out the
assistance of a motor or someone paddling. And the more he thought about
that he remembered that the wagon seemed to tow itself. As he thought
about all the ways this could have happened the boat had come to the
opposite shore and now the four friends looked up with wide eyes. They were
looking at th huge stairway that would lead them into the castle that housed
the school.