SPOILER!!: Mr. Now you listen to me
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Oh, great. Now it was sarcasm time. Evan rolled his eyes exaggeratingly and tried to shuffle his legs into a better position until she saw the sense to get up. He didn't really want to tell her that she had to get up for the health of his legs. He'd only told it to Mina that he was doing well to attract some football clubs... and until he got that contract signed, he wanted to keep it that way for being superstitious about it.
WHAT?! LIES?! He snorted at that, and opened his mouth to defend himself, but she was speaking... no, ranting, so he had to shut it back and listen to her. He was glad she decided to move off though, so he quickly got himself up to a sitting position and got his legs under himself so as not to let her pull such a trick again. He listened on... and then there was no Marie to listen to.
"Not again," he grunted to himself, and got to his feet quickly. Walking after her quickly, he held her arm firmly. If she sat on his legs, he would hold onto her arm firmly.
"Now you listen to me," he started, looking into her eyes. "I won't apologise, Marie," he clarified from the beginning, in case she waited one now that he showed some effort to explain. "Because I don't think I'm wrong. I'm tired of apologising to you every time, and I've had enough of your jumping conclusions with some other people about me without consulting to me first. Then, every time, I have to first break that prejudice, and if I can, then I have to convince you. And frankly, I've had enough." He loosened his grip on her arm, but his hand was still there in case she tried to walk away. "And just to remind you, this--in any way--does NOT mean that I said anything about you at all. I'll only speak if you're ready to put whatever crap Carter told you aside, and listen without any kind of prejudice." If she wasn't able to do that, then there wasn't much point in trying to save this friendship.
Marie was almost to the stairs leading to her dorm room when Evan grabbed her arm.
"Let go of me Evan!" She tried pulling away from him but he was holding her too tight for her to get away. Instead she had to stand there and listen to him rant.
HE was tired of apologizing?
"WHEN have you EVER apologized to me Evan? You NEVER take responsibility or own up to ANYTHING you ever do! You always blame someone else. Just like now, instead of you telling me what you really said you're blaming Carter for everything." Pulling her arm some more she tried getting away but still couldn't.
"I wouldn't HAVE to jump to conclusions if you would explain yourself when things happen. I ASKED you to explain yourself earlier but instead you just ran off without saying anything to me. What the hell was I supposed to think? If you were as innocent as you claim then you would have defended yourself to ME in front of Carter."
Feeling his grip loosen on her she pulled her arm away from him then punched him in the chest.
"How many damn times do I have to ask you to explain your side of the story Evan? How many times do I have to ask you to tell me what you REALLY said?" Obviously more than two times since she had already asked him twice.
"I'm sorry you feel I'm such a hard person to be a friend with Evan but you know what, I've NEVER talked bad about you, not even to Carter. I defend you to him and make sure he knows you're my best guy friend. Although now I'm wondering why I even bother at all. Apparently you don't feel the same way about me." If he did then he would try harder to convince her he
didn't say anything bad about her. Instead he tells her he's had enough of her.