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Old 06-25-2011, 08:43 PM   #788 (permalink)
Some Mystical Girl
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Becca. x Lauccatastic! (: Love You Girlies. <3

Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251 View Post
Connor had paid for his candy and was about to leave the place. He was considering just going back to the ruddy school when someone put their hands over his eyes. "Hello Dani." He spoke softly, pain lacing his voice. He'd given everyone their gifts on the day and nothing. He'd even created a special date for orabelle on the day, and nothing... He popped a piece of fudge into his mouth. He started to walk out of the shoppe again.
"Hey hey hey!" Dani said as she moved after him and they left the shop- she passed him the cute box of chocolates and smiled- smirking at the picture she'd put inside of her winking in a cute way. She smirked at him- "Happy Valentines... and..." she smirked- "Your next present will have to be given to you in the common room" she said with a smile, boy it had taken her ages... she hoped he liked it. "Are you okay anyways?" she asked him, giving him a friendly hug.
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