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His entrance was silent, probably unnoticeable. Cristobal liked to do it that way, which made it easier in some way to not regret that he was late already for the meeting they had been called inside the conference room.
Although, he was there to meet the people he was to work with for time indefinite and he wished, he hoped to have a good relation with them. But that was to be discussed, or thought about later. He gave a light smile to everyone as he walked towards the snack table, from which he grabbed a small cinnamon roll.
"Sorry!" Squeaked Skye, reaching for the same cinnamon roll. She took her hand away, taking a jelly bean instead, grinning when she tasted bitter lime. "I'm Skye." She said, offering a hand. "Skye Dillon." She studied him. He looked careful, as if he was planning his actions before performed them. She gave a small smile, knowing how different she was.