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Old 06-25-2011, 04:51 PM   #326 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default The Imperius Curse
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by Lily<33 View Post
OMG! that was awesome!
i love how you said "Like in those cliche vampire movies" haha
I really hope Christelle is okay and that Bobby is dead....wait....OMG!!!! What about the babies????? They better be okay!! AHHHHH!!!! I'm going insane not knowing if they're okay!!!!!
Love you!
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
Oh wow! This was really good!
Thanks, Katie!
You know you said 'atleast we arent in the same country', well on Saturday I go to Florida for three weeks. I will get you!
That's pretty close to me, too. Have fun in Florida!
I hope it was Chris that got up Please!!!!
You'll find out in a few
Originally Posted by z999993 View Post
OMG! Christelle better be okay!!
We'll see

New post!

There was a scream from the floor below, the Parlor to be exact. The figure paused for only a second before glancing behind them and then starting for the Parlor. They gripped their wand tightly, surprised that it had survived the accident upstairs. The person hesitated outside of the room, before shouting Bombarda!” The door flew off its hinges and landed on the other side of the room, effectively taking one of the captors with it.

“Christelle!” Janet shouted from the floor. Christelle barely spared her a glance as she raised her wand at the other two.

“Wh-what’s going on?” one of the remaining men asked. He looked thoroughly confused as he looked around at his surroundings, and then his eyes fell on Christelle.

“Christelle? Christelle Jeffries? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?”

“You don’t remember anything, Jack?” Christelle rasped, before coughing slightly to clear her voice.

“N-no… Should I?”

“I don’t understand,” another man said before plopping down in a nearby chair.

Christelle stared at them dubiously before it all clicked.

The Imperius Curse.

Christelle flicked her wand and her Patronus left to find Bill. She flicked it again, and the others’ wands flew to her hand. They looked at her suspiciously and she shrugged. “Just in case you’re pulling my leg.”

Christelle let out a shuddering breath and leaned heavily on the wall behind her. Her hand travelled down to her stomach, and she caressed the skin there, hoping beyond hope that they were okay. Just a few more minutes, she told them wordlessly. Just a few more minutes and we’ll get checked out.

Christelle heard footsteps from down the hall and she pushed off the wall, bracing herself for Bobby, but then she saw the bright red hair and relaxed immediately.

“In here, Bill,” she spoke up. Bill, Harry, Ron, Arthur, George, and Kingsley appeared in the doorway, looking grim.

“George, take her to St. Mungos; we’ll take care of everything here,” Bill said, while the others nodded.

“Wait. They say they don’t remember anything. They may have been under the Imperius Curse. And Bobby’s upstairs… There was an explosion; I don’t know if he survived it like I did,” Christelle told them before taking George’s outstretched hand. She passed the boys’ wands to Kingsley as she leaned heavily on George.

He noticed her limping and shook his head slightly with a frown. He bent down and swung her up in his arms. She didn’t bother with arguing him on it, as it took too much energy that she didn’t have. She laid her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes, breathing shallowly as she relaxed her muscles.

“Is Abigail okay?” she whispered.

“Yes, a little shaken up, but okay. The Healers fixed her bruises and cuts, and gave her a potion for the pain, but she’s fine now. They had to give her a sleeping draught because she refused to go to sleep until she saw you. They thought it’d be best if she rested though,” George reported.

“And Charlie?”

“Completely A-okay, but the Healers won’t let him leave his bed. He had to throw a fit before they even moved his bed into Abigail’s room,” he said with a dry chuckle at the memory.

“Thanks, George,” she mumbled into his neck.

As George stepped out of the large gaping hole where the front door had been, he quickly spun with a POP and appeared in the St. Mungos entrance.

What do you think? Just a few more posts left until it's over.

You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
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