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Old 06-25-2011, 03:46 PM   #264 (permalink)

PhoenixRising's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Posts: 58,893

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

"Well ok lets see... uh, it says Challenges and there are four parts to it that has to be computed, like this here..."
he said as he showed her the equation on the book

He then took out a fresh parchment and started plugging in the numbers, making sure that Ellie was able to see how he does them...

SPOILER!!: Salander's parchment

Date of birth: June 5, 2056 (06/05/2056)


First Challenge Number = day of birth - month of birth
5-6= -1

1= First Challenge Number

Second Challenge Number = year of birth - day of birth
(2+0+5+6) - (5)
(13) - 5
(1+3) -5
4-5 = -1

1= Second Challenge Number

Third Challenge Number = Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number
1-1= 0

0= Third Challenge Number

Fourth Challenge Number = year of birth - month of birth
(2+0+5+6) - (6)
(13) - 6
(1+3) -6
4-6 =-2

2= Fourth Challenge Number

He leaned back in his seat and lifted his parchment slightly, looking at the result of the 3rd challenge. "Professor, what does it mean if the Challenge number equals zero?"
As Sal was explaining to the fourth year about the calculations, Josephina had to smile slightly at the Slytherin boy as her hazel eyes glanced over his work. "Very good," she said, in confirmation that his calculations were correct. Not that she expected otherwise, as had Borr not cancelled the exams last year, she was sure Salander would have gotten an O in Arithmancy.

Oh but what was this? He asked a question about the zero challenge number. "A Zero Challenge Number is also called the cipher challenge, which basically stands for all or nothing. Like the shape of a zero, its circular symbol can be both full and empty at the same time." Very interesting too that this would be Salander's final challenge number.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh...

When was class going to be over?! She'd had a terrible go at it this last hour--losing points, getting lost, and the such. What were they supposed to be doing again? Challenge Numbers?!

...what were those?! Blahhh...

She scanned her textbook for the directions and then got started.

Text Cut: Sierra's Parchment
First Challenge Number
day of birth - month of birth
17 - 3 = 14
1 + 4 = 5

FIVE (5): When 5 is your Challenge, you're learning to change and become more flexible. The love of changing rule can make others grow impatient and restless and desire freedom from rules and restrictions. Take a risk and loosen up despite the fear and confusion that change can bring. Learn to release yourself from restricting conduct that are limiting your creative energy.

Second Challenge Number
year of birth - day of birth
2062 - 17 = 2045
2 + 0 + 4 + 5 = 11
1 + 1 = Master Number 2

MASTER NUMBER ELEVEN (11/2): Learn to honor the demands of both the 11 and the 2. Constant vigilance is necessary to remain balanced emotionally and physically. Step up to the leadership role of the 11 using spiritual principles and recognize all the opportunities of the 2 - lessons of partnership and relationship.

Third Challenge Number
second challenge number - first challenge number
2 - 5 = -3

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

Fourth Challenge Number
year of birth - month of birth
2062 - 3 = 2059
2 + 0 + 5 + 9 = 16
1 + 6 = 7

SEVEN (7): When 7 is your Challenge, you're learning to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation by using your energy to meditate and contemplate the meaning of life. This Challenge is one of the most serious times in your life. Learn to realize that your inner self is looking for experiences that will allow your personal growth. Learn to distinguish reality from incorrect knowledge and false views. Be more honest and true to yourself, connect to others, and learn to listen to yourself in order to encourage your ability to analyze and observe the world around you. Enhance your intuitive skills, examine philosophical and metaphysical material, and learn the universal laws of nature.

Umm...great. So what was she supposed to do about that negative number she'd gotten for the third challenge?! Did that even work the same?
Walking by another snake's desk, this one belonging to that of second year, Sierra, Fina glanced over her work. "On your challenge numbers, you'll want to reduce each component before you perform the subtraction. So while it doesn't really make a difference for your first number, for your second number, the correct way would be to reduce 2062 to a 1, 17 to an 8, which would make your final answer for your second challenge number a seven. Pay no mind to the negative sign." Didn't she say that already?

"So yea, just go through and double check the rest of your challenge numbers the way I described and then you'll be all set."

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Nika's mouth formed the perfect "o" shape as she nodded in realization. "Thank you Professor Hadley!" She turned back to her parchment to fix the mistake.

SPOILER!!: Nika's Third Challenge Number Hehe fixed it :P

Third Challenge Number (Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number)

5 & 8

(8) - (5)=
"Better, yes, good job," Fina complimented the second year lioness as she corrected her challenge number.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Textbook. That was rather handy. Unfortunately, it was also rather large and troublesome.

Friends were also rather handy. Especially friends that had textbooks. Sal was definitely one of those friends now.

Ellie leaned over slightly to copy look off of Salander's parchment. And she followed his example.
Text Cut: Math. That.
First Challenge Number = day of birth - month of birth
21 - 9
[2+1] - 9
3 - 9

Second Challenge Number = year of birth - day of birth
2059 - 21
[2+0+5+9] - [2+1]
16 - 3
[1+6] - 3
7 - 3

Third Challenge Number = Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number
4 - 6

Fourth Challenge Number = year of birth - month of birth
2059 - 9
[2+0+5+9] - 9
16 - 9
[1+6] - 9
7 - 9

Sometime, while doing all that obnoxious math, Ellie took to biting her lip. Unsurprisingly, too. But, she stopped once she was finished and pushed her parchment over to Salander. "Like that?" Sure, Hadley could probably tell her just as well. But Hadley was being a grumpy gills today.

Ooooh, Sal got zero? Yes, Hadley, what did that mean?

In fact, what did any of this mean, really? Tell us that.
And Ellie thought she couldn't do Arithmancy; silly girl! Of course she did have Salander's paper to help guide her but nonetheless she was doing fine. Right? Of course she was. "Your numbers are good, Miss.... Ellie," Hadley smiled, despite the fact that girl was probably talking to the snake rather than her. HMPH! Seriously, like the girl didn't trust her opinion?!

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi watched as Professor Hadley walked around the classroom checking on everyone's work, but she had passed by Kurumi's station and seemed to have forgotten to check what she had written on her parchment. Perhaps the professor had thought she wasn't done with her calculations since she had been writing furiously at the bottom of her page trying to figure out what the numbers meant, but Kurumi had given all the Challenges a go. Now it was a matter of making sure that she had done them all correctly and not made any small mistakes - which she was rather prone to when getting excited.

"E-E-Excuse me, Professor Hadley," Kurumi said with her hand raised. "Would you mind checking over my calculations, please?"
SPOILER!!: Kurumi's parchment

Arithmancy Lesson Two : The Pinnacles
Kurumi Hollingberry // Gryffindor // third year
The Pinnacles a set of numbers to lead you to your greatest accomplishment. A pinnacle, but definition alone, is highest point of level. In life, this could mean a point were we are at our best or perhaps a point at which we have achieved one of our goals and are feeling like we literally are on top of the world. In Arithmancy, pinnacles are a set of numbers that will lead you towards your greatest accomplishment, a means to reveal your potential for achievement and success. They also show us what is possible for us to achieve in a given period of our life. There are a total of four pinnacles in a person's life and are considered long term.

Life Path Number
Month + Day + Year
May 12, 2061
(0+5)+(1+2)+(2+0+6+1) = (5)+(3)+(9)= 17 = (1+7) = 8

How to calculate pinnacles:
  • First Pinnacle = month of birth + day of birth
  • Second Pinnacle = day of birth + year of birth
  • Third Pinnacle = First Pinnacle + Second Pinnacle
  • Fourth Pinnacle = month of birth + year of birth

my birthday is 05/12/2061

First Pinnacle
(0+5) + (1+2) = 5+3 = 8
An eight in a Pinnacle position dictates a time for learning to handle the business world and any type of authority, and from that to discover your own sense of personal power. You will learn about money, power, authority, as well as the essentials of organization, leadership, responsibility, efficiency and management (particularly of financial matters). During an 8 Pinnacle, your judgment will be repeatedly tested during your opportunities to manage business and further your career. Recognition for your achievements are significant under this number. Home life may be of less importance under this Pinnacle, but that may be necessary to learn the important lesson - become your own authority and trust your true power.

Second Pinnacle
(1+2)+(2+0+6+1) = (3)+(9) = 12= 1+2 = 3
During this time of your life, you will explore methods of personal expression, dealing with emotions, the imagination, and the creative spirit. Early in life, this Pinnacle revolves around seeking an imaginative and productive career. The middle Pinnacles serve to deal with your feelings and learn to speak what is in your heart. Later in life, this Pinnacle revolves around friends, the gratification of life, joy, and inventive expression. Overall, the energy of the number 3 Pinnacle is calling you to find joy and happiness, inviting you to live with a positive, optimistic outlook on life.

Third Pinnacle
8 + 5 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
8 + 3 = 11 = 1+1 = 2
The 4 Pinnacle is an especially important time for constructing your life with solid, stable, long-lasting foundations. During this Pinnacle, you will be learning about persistence, hard work, patience, planning, organizing, and moving ahead with a methodical plan. As you learn these traits, you will need to apply them practically, putting your ideas into shape and creating a stable place for yourself in the material world. This is not a time of leisure, but is a demanding period requiring discipline, recognition of limits, and a serious attitude.

This Master Number Pinnacle, like any other, may also be reduced to its lower vobration, the 2, and experienced as merely that - the two Pinnacle. It is not until working at the level of the 11, the higher vibration of spiritual and philosophical rather than material, that you'll address the unique attributes of this number. The 11 Pinnacle indicates a challenging time of extreme intuition and sensitivity, experiencing intense revelations, enormous personal and spiritual growth, and a compelling sense of being different. In this Pinnacle, you possess a message to deliver to people and a desire to inspire those around you with that message.

Forth Pinnacle
(2+0+6+1)+(0+5) = (9)+(5) = 14 = (1+4) = 5
Prepare yourself for change and uncertainty, while relaxing on restrictions of your past patterns to deliver you freedom and liberation. Many people don't like change, so if you're one of these people, this time can be very unsettling, filled with restlessness, activity, and public life. Changes in attitudes, career paths, and business decisions that are forward thinking favor sales and promotions and do well under this 5 energy. Learn during this time to avoid impulsive choices, especially the urge to quit and leave. The major attainment is to learn to be flexible and adaptable.

_____________________ 1st Pinnacle____ 2nd Pinnacle ____ 3rd Pinnacle ____ 4th Pinnacle
Life Path Number of 8____age 0 - 28_______age 28 - 37_______age 37 - 46_______age 46 >

The Challenges
The Challenges are a set of numbers which outline for you what it is that you must face to reach the highest peak of your Pinnacle. Challenge Numbers are not meant to be overcome, but rather indicate what you must become.
How to calculate pinnacles:
  • First Challenge Number = day of birth - month of birth
  • Second Challenge Number = year of birth - day of birth
  • Third Challenge Number = Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number
  • Fourth Challenge Number = year of birth - month of birth

First Challenge
(1+2) - (5+0) = 3-5 = -2
One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.

wait...can I have a negative number?
(12) - (5) = 7

Second Challenge
(2+0+6+1) - (1+2)= (9) - (3) = 6
When 6 is your Challenge, you're learning accountability for others and possibly experiencing burden from family obligations. Learn to attend to others and strike a balance between honoring your commitments to family and to yourself - a balance, meaning that you can't avoid either and must attend to both. Learn to avoid codependency and discover when loyalty, obedience, and the desire to be in charge of the household have stepped overboard. There is a tendency for this Challenge to be too stubborn and set in your opinions, so learn to transfer the energy from the negative to the positive qualities of the 6 - warmth, beauty, and nurturing.

Third Challenge
When 4 is your Challenge, you’re learning the significance of discipline, orderliness, practicality, and hard work. Learn how to work within the boundaries, limitations, and restrictions of this difficult challenge and learn how to set boundaries with others. Learn to suppress impatience, inflexibility, narrow mindedness, and self-righteousness.

Forth Challenge
(2+0+6+1) - (0+5) = (9) – (5) = 4
When 4 is your Challenge, you’re learning the significance of discipline, orderliness, practicality, and hard work. Learn how to work within the boundaries, limitations, and restrictions of this difficult challenge and learn how to set boundaries with others. Learn to suppress impatience, inflexibility, narrow mindedness, and self-righteousness.
Oops! She'd completely forgotten about Kurumi having done her numbers! Hurrying over to the girl's desk at her hand raising and request, her hazel eyes glanced over the girl's parchment and nodded. "Your calculations are fine dear," Fina said praisingly. Did she really expect much else? It was rare the third year's math was off at least.

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
Wiliam raised his hand. " I am really confused by the numbers" William said to the professor.
First Challenge Number Day of Birth minus month of birth 23- 11 ( 2+3) =5 and the 11 ( 1+1) =2.
Second Challenge Number
2063 ( 2 + 0+ 6+ 3)= !1 (1+ 1)=2 then minus 23( 2 + 3)= 2- 5=(-3) or professor is it 5-2=3?
Thrird Challenge Number
11 ( 1 + 1)=2 ( 2-5) = ( -3) (-- 3 + 5) = 2
Fourth Challenge Number
11- 12 which means 1+1=2 - 12 which is 1+2= 3 Now you subtract 2- 3 which equals( -1) or is it (1) William asked the professor.
Another question by a first year who was apparently confused; "It's always better to show as much work as possible," Fina explained, as she glanced over his numbers, which didn't seem quite finished. "Negative numbers don't matter, so if you get a negative number, just make it a positive." No biggie.

Kneeling down by the first year's desk, she borrowed his quill and began to write clearly on his parchment an example of what she meant:
First Challenge Number = day of birth - month of birth
= (2+3) - (1+1)
= 5 - 2
= 3
"Making a new line for each reduction makes it easy and clear to work with the numbers," she said pointing to her example of how she wrote it. "So try writing out each of your last three challenges the same way, preceeding each calculation with the formula, as I think it will help you understand."

Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady View Post
Yeaaa...of course three was right. Calculating it that way made more sense after all, subtracting everything was...crazy. Whatever, at least trying out the both had not taken much of his time. Smiling at Professor Hadley, he nodded for her thanks then turned to look at Evelyn. Apparently she had calculated the other two as well to find out the third one. Well...he wanted to calculate the others for himself as well.

So hoping it was okay with Hadley, he walked back to his desk and sat down taking another parchment to calculate the other challenge numbers for himself.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait! Now that was annoying! There were 'three's everywhere!!! His life path number, second challenge, third challenge and fourth challenge all three. Actually the only non-three he could see was the first challenge which was not so bright anyway. Thinking he might have calculated something wrong, he checked all his work yet...could see no mistakes there. Maybe Professor Hadley would tell him.

''Professor, why am i full of 3s?''

He did not want to see another 3.
Just as she was finishing up with her one-on-one explanation to the first year, Josh Carter called her over with a question of his own. Checking his work to make sure it was correct before she answered, she smiled amused. "Clearly, the challenges associated with the number three are ones that will give you a rough time in life as you work towards your peak accomplisments." Fina answered. "They are struggles that will plague you most of your life." Conceitedness and speaking to hear himself talk; it seemed they were traits that Carter already possessed but he hasn't reached the point where they will interfere with his ability to accomplish something.

Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill View Post
Gwen decided that she should go on and calculate the Challenge Numbers.

Gwen's parchment:
"Teeny error on your second through fourth challenge numbers," Fina said as she passed by the young Ravenclaw's desk. "You'll want to reduce the components down to a single digit. So for instance, on your second challenge number, you'll want to reduce to your year of birth down to a 1, before subtracting your day of birth from it." Which obviously leads to a different number, which makes her third challenge number different. And well, she made the same mistake on her fourth number too.

Originally Posted by Trish View Post

SPOILER!!: Challenges (Corrected)

First Challenge Number = Day of Birth - Month of Birth
May 5th
05 - 05 =

ZERO (0): Also called the Cipher Challenge, it stands for all or nothing. The symbol of the circle, it can be full and empty at the same time. You have full free will to and choice to form your own world as one filled with love, compassion, integrity, vision, and to do great works. When governed by the 0 Challenge, do not take this time lightly. Nurture your desire to make the world a better place in consideration of your Destiny Number and the higher laws of universal order. The person with a 0 Challenge is said to have an 'old soul,' especially if you carry a master number as his or her Soul Number. You are expected to make choices that honor a higher awareness and foster spiritual growth on the material plane.

Second Challenge Number = Year of Birth - Day of Birth
2063, 05
(2+0+6+3) – (0+5)
(11) - (05)
(1+1) – 5 = - 3

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

Third Challenge Number = Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number
3 – 0 =

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

Fourth Challenge Number = Year of Birth - Month of Birth
2063, 05
(2+0+6+3) – (0+5)
(11) - (05)
(1+1) – 5 = -3

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

When Penny had finished correcting her parchment, it hardly looked any better... wondering to herself "Hmmm, now I've got three's"...

Sticking her hand in the air agian..."Umh, er, Professor, does this look right?"
"Yes it does," Fina said as she approached the first year badger again. "Makes sense too since your day of birth happens to be the same number as the month you were born in." Cinco de Mayo; aw shucks, that totally made her miss Maya now. Sniffle.

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Hmmm, that was definitely not saying she was wrong.

So, she was right? Looking over to Hadley for a moment before back to her work on the board, she didn't question anything even if she thought it looked wrong to her but instead went back to her desk. "Thank you..." she muttered along the way. Hadley knew best!

Now she just had to transfer her work on the board to her notebook, and finish the final challenge number. The fourth one she knew was not like the second, so no biggy!

SPOILER!!: Second page of Evelyn's notebook

First Challenge Number
Day of Birth - Month of Birth

20 - 8 (August)
2 - 8 = -6 = 6
SIX (6): When 6 is your Challenge, you're learning accountability for others and possibly experiencing burden from family obligations. Learn to attend to others and strike a balance between honoring your commitments to family and to yourself - a balance, meaning that you can't avoid either and must attend to both. Learn to avoid codependency and discover when loyalty, obedience, and the desire to be in charge of the household have stepped overboard. There is a tendency for this Challenge to be too stubborn and set in your opinions, so learn to transfer the energy from the negative to the positive qualities of the 6 - warmth, beauty, and nurturing.
Second Challenge Number
Year of Birth - Day of Birth

2058 - 20
(2 + 0 + 5 + 8) - (2 + 0)
(15) - 2
6 - 2 = 4
FOUR (4): When 4 is your Challenge, you're learning the significance of discipline, orderliness, practicality, and hard work. Learn how to work within the boundaries, limitations and restrictions of this difficult challenge and learn how to set boundaries with others. Learn to suppress impatience, inflexibility, narrow-mindedness, and self-righteousness.
Third Challenge Number
Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number

6 - 4 = 2
[4 - 6 = -2 = 2]
TWO (2): One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.
Fourth Challenge Number
Year of Birth - Month of Birth

2058 - 8 (August)
(2 + 0 + 5 + 8) - 8
(15) - 8
(1 + 5) - 8
6 - 8 = -2 = 2
TWO (2): One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.

With those done, she could sit back and just wait for whatever they did next, right? Or stare at Josh. Or do what that Ravenclaw girl did and start to black out a page in her notebook, but seeing as she didn't want to waste ink or lose anymore points...that unfortunately would not be done.

Calculations were one thing in class, but sitting and doing nothing was like sitting in History of Magic class. It was boring.
Despite the fact that Evelyn hadn't asked for her to check her calculations probably because the girl was conceited and knew her work to be correct, Fina walked over and glanced at the girl's parchment anyway. The sixth year looked bored.

"Good job, dear," Fina complimented. "And no worries, just a tad bit longer." That was something that would probably make the girl happy.

Originally Posted by Nixy! View Post
Iris watched as all the calculations were done on the blackboard. Subtraction was her weak point. She was TERRIBLE at it. Dipping her quill into her ink, the Head Girl put her head down so she could get these challenge numbers done herself.

SPOILER!!: Iris's Parchment

First Challenge Number - 2
day of birth - month of birth

13 - 2
(1 + 3) - 2
4 - 2 = 2

TWO (2): One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.

Second Challenge Number - 2
year of birth - day of birth

2058 - 13
(2 + 0 + 5 + 8) - (1 + 3)
15 - 4
(1 + 5) - 4
6 - 4 = 2

TWO (2): One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.

Third Challenge Number - 0
Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number

2 - 2 = 0

ZERO (0): Also called the Cipher Challenge, it stands for all or nothing. The symbol of the circle, it can be full and empty at the same time. You have full free will to and choice to form your own world as one filled with love, compassion, integrity, vision, and to do great works. When governed by the 0 Challenge, do not take this time lightly. Nurture your desire to make the world a better place in consideration of your Destiny Number and the higher laws of universal order. The person with a 0 Challenge is said to have an 'old soul,' especially if you carry a master number as his or her Soul Number. You are expected to make choices that honor a higher awareness and foster spiritual growth on the material plane.

Fourth Challenge Number - 4
year of birth - month of birth

2058 - 2
(2 + 0 + 5 + 8) - 2
15 - 2
(1 + 5) - 2
6 - 2 = 4

FOUR (4): When 4 is your Challenge, you're learning the significance of discipline, orderliness, practicality, and hard work. Learn how to work within the boundaries, limitations and restrictions of this difficult challenge and learn how to set boundaries with others. Learn to suppress impatience, inflexibility, narrow-mindedness, and self-righteousness.

Putting her quill down, Iris picked up her parchment to double check over all of her work. It all LOOKED right... Hmm. Then, going to her textbook, she begun to read over the meanings of these challenges. They didn't seem... too... bad. Time to copy them into her notes, Iris figured. The tediously boring part of Arithmancy.

Iris looked around the classroom once she'd done that, just watching the other students... Oh, Merlin... how she was going to miss all of this next year.
"And good job to you as well," Fina said as she passed by another slytherin, the head girl, and glanced at her parchment. She had no doubts in her mind that Iris would perform well on her Arithmancy NEWT this year. You know, provided that Lord Bore Borr decided to reinstate the exams.

Originally Posted by i-am-thorr View Post
Rebecca decided to try the Challenge problems, since they were supposed to be challenging. So she took out her parchment and did the calculations on the back, so she wouldn't get confused.

SPOILER!!: back of page
First one~

1-7=-6 or just 6

Second one~

1-7=-6 or just 6

Third one~


Fourth one~

1-7=-6 or just 6

"Yes," Rebecca thought. "That seems just about right. Except, I keep getting six... Hmmm... I wonder if Professor Hadley would know why." So the little Hufflepuff raised her hand. "Professor, I have a question," she said. "I was wondering if you could tell me why I keep getting six for almost all of my answers."
"Actually though, your second challenge number should be zero, as you wrote the equation wrong there," Fina said, pointing to the seven where it should be a one. "So your third challenge is actually six again. Sometimes its easier to write out the actual formula of each challenge number to avoid such mistakes. As for why you keep getting six, then it's probably because the lessons associated with the six challenge number are going to continue to plague you as you strive towards your greatest accomplisment."

Originally Posted by Starbreeze View Post

It was? Eino looked at the board, then at the Professor. It was! Overjoyed, Eino returned to his seat and got to work as soon as possible. Before calculating his challenge numbers, he set up all of the dates and numbers he needed beforehand. He opened his textbook and placed it next to his parchment, just so he could consult it in case he got lost, which he would.

SPOILER!!: Eino's Parchment

November 11 2061

First Challenge Number = day of birth - month of birth

(11) - (11)
(1+1) - (1+1)
2 - 2 = 0

Zero: Also called the Cipher Challenge, it stands for all or nothing. The symbol of the circle, it can be full and empty at the same time. You have full free will to and choice to form your own world as one filled with love, compassion, integrity, vision, and to do great works. When governed by the 0 Challenge, do not take this time lightly. Nurture your desire to make the world a better place in consideration of your Destiny Number and the higher laws of universal order. The person with a 0 Challenge is said to have an 'old soul,' especially if you carry a master number as his or her Soul Number. You are expected to make choices that honor a higher awareness and foster spiritual growth on the material plane.

Second Challenge Number = year of birth - day of birth

(2061) – (11)
(2 + 0 + 6 + 1) – (1+1)
9 – 2 = 7

Seven: When 7 is your Challenge, you're learning to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation by using your energy to meditate and contemplate the meaning of life. This Challenge is one of the most serious times in your life. Learn to realize that your inner self is looking for experiences that will allow your personal growth. Learn to distinguish reality from incorrect knowledge and false views. Be more honest and true to yourself, connect to others, and learn to listen to yourself in order to encourage your ability to analyze and observe the world around you. Enhance your intuitive skills, examine philosophical and metaphysical material, and learn the universal laws of nature.

Third Challenge Number = Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number

(0) - (7) = (-)7

Seven: When 7 is your Challenge, you're learning to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation by using your energy to meditate and contemplate the meaning of life. This Challenge is one of the most serious times in your life. Learn to realize that your inner self is looking for experiences that will allow your personal growth. Learn to distinguish reality from incorrect knowledge and false views. Be more honest and true to yourself, connect to others, and learn to listen to yourself in order to encourage your ability to analyze and observe the world around you. Enhance your intuitive skills, examine philosophical and metaphysical material, and learn the universal laws of nature.

Fourth Challenge Number = year of birth - month of birth

(2061) - (11)
(2 + 0 + 6 + 1) - (1+1)
(9) - (2) = 7

Seven: When 7 is your Challenge, you're learning to overcome feelings of loneliness and isolation by using your energy to meditate and contemplate the meaning of life. This Challenge is one of the most serious times in your life. Learn to realize that your inner self is looking for experiences that will allow your personal growth. Learn to distinguish reality from incorrect knowledge and false views. Be more honest and true to yourself, connect to others, and learn to listen to yourself in order to encourage your ability to analyze and observe the world around you. Enhance your intuitive skills, examine philosophical and metaphysical material, and learn the universal laws of nature.

One zero and three sevens? That was a lot of sevens? Did it mean anything when one of the numbers repeated itself? Probably not.

He read over the meaning off number seven several times and realized that he had to make more friends, real ones and not just have imaginary friends. Well, what was he supposed to do to his imaginary ones? Plus, he could always put them in a box or in his pockets and take them everywhere. He couldn't do this with real people! Well, maybe, if he knew the right spell...
Apparently a lot of the students in her class were going to be plagued by just one number for much of their lifespan. "Nice job," she said, complimenting the ravenclaw so he would know his calculations were good.

Originally Posted by Pokah Face View Post
Roderigo smiled and waved back to his Gryffindor friend before turning back to his textbook. He flipped to the chapter on Challenge Numbers and gave a small glance at his watch. The lesson was almost over and he needed to finish calculating his numbers. He hurriedly began scribbling along his parchment while glancing at his textbook every few moments.

Text Cut: Roderigo's work

First Challenge Number

17 - 11

(1 + 7) - (1 + 1)

8 - 2


Second Challenge Number

2056 - 17

(13) - (17)

4 - 8

-4 ==> 4

Third Challenge Number

4 - 6

-2 ==> 2

Fourth Challenge Number

2056 - 11

(13) - (11)

4 - 2


Finishing in just three minutes, the Spaniard threw his quill down on his desk, and sighed, his face sitting in his splayed hands. After taking another deep breath, he looked up and double checked his work for mistakes.
Having almost made her rounds to the students, Josephina had just a few more and walked towards the desk of an older claw next. Hazel eyes going over the parchment, she nodded and smiled at the Spanish seventh year. "Good job," she noted praisingly.

Originally Posted by hannah_bry27 View Post
Lucas raised his hand. "Have I done these correctly, Professor?" he asked. After that one mistake, he wasn't sure whether he'd gotten it right or not. He'd started working before the people doing the examples had even gone up, and he'd worked right through it, so he hadn't heard any explanations.

SPOILER!!: Parchment

First Challenge Number = day of birth - month of birth

(1+3) - (1+0)
4 - 1 = 3

Second Challenge Number = year of birth - day of birth

(2+0+5+8) - (1+3)
(1+5) - 4
6 - 4 = 2

Third Challenge Number = Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number

3 - 2 = 1

Fourth Challenge Number = year of birth - month of birth

(2+0+5+8) - (1+0)
(1+5) - 1
6 - 1 = 5
"Yes, you have," Fina said as she heard another student as for her to check their work and her eyes glanced over the parchment checking the numbers. "Except on the third challenge, though it doesn't make a difference, it's technically 2 minus 3, since your second challenge is 2." You know, all things considered and all. Not that it mattered because he would just make the negative a positive anyway....

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
His focus had been on his parchment again, and he paid little attention to whatever was happening with Ellie sitting next to Salander. He didn't want to look behind him now.

The movement of someone moving closer to him was what diverted his attention away from the piece of paper and to...Sierra.


Was she asking for his help? He was no good in Arithmancy, that's why they were partners in Potions. He still smiled her way, a small smile, before she started to work on her own calculations.

And he did the same.

SPOILER!!: Treyen's Parchment
Life Path Number.
DOB: April 10, 2059

(0+4) + (1+0) + (2+0+5+9) = 4 + 1 + 16
5 + 16 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

THREE (3): Your path will entice you to be both spontaneous and creative, to live your life with joy and imagination. You will learn the benefits of optimism and enthusiasm, and how to express your emotions and exuberance. Once you've mastered these concepts, you'll move on to the next phase - inspiring others. You're a born communicator and your wit and lightheartedness will help others see the joy in any situation. Artistic, creative, and articulate are words to describe someone with a 3 Life Path. Career/vocation options should relate to anything artistic - writing, speaking, designing, illustrating, dancing, etc.


First Pinnacle

(0+4) + (1+0) = 4 +1 = 5

FIVE (5): Prepare yourself for change and uncertainty, while relaxing on restrictions of your past patterns to deliver you freedom and liberation. Many people don't like change, so if you're one of these people, this time can be very unsettling, filled with restlessness, activity, and public life. Changes in attitudes, career paths, and business decisions that are forward thinking favor sales and promotions and do well under this 5 energy. Learn during this time to avoid impulsive choices, especially the urge to quit and leave. The major attainment is to learn to be flexible and adaptable.

Second Pinnacle

(1+0) + (2+0+5+9) = 1 + 16 = 17
1 +7 = 8

EIGHT (8): An eight in a Pinnacle position dictates a time for learning to handle the business world and any type of authority, and from that to discover your own sense of personal power. You will learn about money, power, authority, as well as the essentials of organization, leadership, responsibility, efficiency and management (particularly of financial matters). During an 8 Pinnacle, your judgment will be repeatedly tested during your opportunities to manage business and further your career. Recognition for your achievements are significant under this number. Home life may be of less importance under this Pinnacle, but that may be necessary to learn the important lesson - become your own authority and trust your true power.

Third Pinnacle

5 + 8 = 13 = 1+3 = 4

FOUR (4): The 4 Pinnacle is an especially important time for constructing your life with solid, stable, long-lasting foundations. During this Pinnacle, you will be learning about persistence, hard work, patience, planning, organizing, and moving ahead with a methodical plan. As you learn these traits, you will need to apply them practically, putting your ideas into shape and creating a stable place for yourself in the material world. This is not a time of leisure, but is a demanding period requiring discipline, recognition of limits, and a serious attitude.

Fourth Pinnacle

(0+4) + (2+0+5+9) = 4 + 16 = 20
2 + 0 = 2

TWO (2): Your greatest attainment will be to learn how to have
harmonious relationships without sacrificing yourself. The number 2 Pinnacle represents unions, partnerships, patience, and fairness, with a focus on working as a team. During this time of your life, you may be learning to cooperate, share, and be considerate of others. The 2 Pinnacle may be a time where you will find achievement in fields of work where precision and detail are valued because you have a natural gift for relating facts, gathering and perfecting details, and knowing what's correct and right.

Fourth Pinnacle

(0+4) + (2+0+5+9) = 4 + (1+6)
4 + 7 = 11

MASTER NUMBER ELEVEN (11/2): This Master Number Pinnacle, like any other, may also be reduced to its lower vobration, the 2, and experienced as merely that - the two Pinnacle. It is not until working at the level of the 11, the higher vibration of spiritual and philosophical rather than material, that you'll address the unique attributes of this number. The 11 Pinnacle indicates a challenging time of extreme intuition and sensitivity, experiencing intense revelations, enormous personal and spiritual growth, and a compelling sense of being different. In this Pinnacle, you possess a message to deliver to people and a desire to inspire those around you with that message.

_____________________ 1st Pinnacle____ 2nd Pinnacle ____ 3rd Pinnacle ____ 4th Pinnacle
Life Path Number 3_______age 0 - 33_______age 33 - 42_______age 42 - 51_______age 51 >


First Challenge.

(1+0) - (0+4) = 1 - 4 = -3

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

Second Challenge.

(2+0+5+9) - (1+0) = (1+6) - 1
7 - 1 = 6

SIX (6): When 6 is your Challenge, you're learning accountability for others and possibly experiencing burden from family obligations. Learn to attend to others and strike a balance between honoring your commitments to family and to yourself - a balance, meaning that you can't avoid either and must attend to both. Learn to avoid codependency and discover when loyalty, obedience, and the desire to be in charge of the household have stepped overboard. There is a tendency for this Challenge to be too stubborn and set in your opinions, so learn to transfer the energy from the negative to the positive qualities of the 6 - warmth, beauty, and nurturing.

Third Challenge.

6 - 3 = 3

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

Fourth Challenge.

(2+0+5+9) - (0+4) = (1+6) - 4
7 - 4 = 3

THREE (3): When 3 is your Challenge, you're learning to recognize your emotions and speak from the heart. Learn that your words have a significant influence on your life as you may be critical with your words. The negatives of the 3 must be overcome, so work to abandon superficiality, aggrandizement, gossip, conceitedness, and speaking just to hear yourself talk. Under the 3 Challenge, work to use your creative energy to form a loving, positive, and joyful spirit and realize pure, unadulterated happiness.

Any of it right, Hadley?
"All of it is right now," Fina said, as she noticed the look on Treyen Lockhart's face that said, check my work now, please. I'm doubting myself! "Good job," she said, beaming at him because clearly for someone so reluctant to get into numbers, he actually got the hang of things pretty quickly.

Originally Posted by D.A Forever View Post
SPOILER!!: Katie's Arithmancy Journal
First Pinnacle:
month of birth + day of birth
February, 14th
2 + (1+4) = 7

Second Pinnacle:
day of birth + year of birth
14, 2057
14 + 2057 =
(1+4 = 5) + (2+0+5+7 = 14) =
5 + (1+4) =
1+0 = 1

Third Pinnacle:
First Pinnacle + Second Pinnacle
7 and 1
7 + 1 = 8

Fourth Pinnacle:
month of birth + year of birth
February, 2057
2 + 2057
2 + (2+0+5+7) =
2 + (1+4) =
2 + 5 = 7

Katie had gone quiet after returning to her seat, focused more on figuring out her pinnacles and finding the textbook interpretation of them while she tried to listen to Hadley and the other volunteers. It didn't work out so well, because she kept tuning out the classroom in favor sorting out her calculations and pausing at other long moments to listen and catch back up with what they were working on now. Katie positively frowned at her Arithmancy textbook and the description of her pinnacle numbers, unsure of what to make from them. She didn't have a chance to worry about that, though, as they were working on another set of numbers now.

Professor Hadley would be getting another visit from her in the very near future. Casting her dark eyes toward the blackboard once more, Katie shifted in her seat and lowered her gaze to her journal, setting to work on their last problem:
SPOILER!!: Katie's Arithmancy Journal
First Challenge Number:
day of birth - month of birth
14, 2
(1+4) - 2 =
5 - 2 = 3

Second Challenge Number:
year of birth - day of birth
2057, 14
(2+0+5+7) - 14 =
(1+4) - (1+4) =
5 - 5 = 0

Third Challenge Number:
Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number
0 and 3
0 - 3 = -3

Fourth Challenge Number:
year of birth - month of birth
2057, February
(2+0+5+7) - 2 =
(1+4) - 2 =
5 - 2 = 3

... Her second challenge number was zero, and her third challenge number negative three, because THAT made sense. Katie stared at her writing, re-read it, re-calculated, and merely stared until it started making less sense than it had the first time. Pinnacles and challenges only reminded her more of why she had barely passed Arithmancy in her younger years and why her and Hadley's visits had begun in the first place. Exasperated and tired of glaring at her parchment, Katie raised her hand. "Professor Hadley, I haven't the slightest idea what my second or third challenge numbers are suppose to be."
Another Hufflepuff - this one a seventh year - had asked her a question, but not about checking her work. Well sort of. Hurrying over towards Katie, she smiled comfortingly as her eyes scanned the girl's young woman's parchment. "Your calculations are correct, yes. Second challenge number is Zero, which may also be called the cipher challenge and you'll find the full in-depth description about this in your textbook, before the master numbers. As for your third challenge number, it's a negative yes, but it's also the same as a positive three, as the negative sign doesn't really matter terribly much." At least nothing that THEY will have to worry about at the student level. Now if they went on to further their studies at Wizarding University or something, then that was a different story.

Right then, class had gone on long enough. "Alright then," Fina said, addressing the class as she made her way back up to the front of the classroom. "If you're all set with your calculations, then you're dismissed but feel free to linger if you need to work on them a little longer or have questions for me. Homework will be posted shortly on the announcement board by my office and will be due in two weeks from when I put it up there." Because despite her not usually giving deadlines, this was a fairly easy assignment and thus a deadline ws necessary.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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