86. Daring
Aged 9, summer 6027♥
'Just jump, Thea!'
Opening her eyes a fraction, little Thea-Aurora looked down at one of her older brothers, Leo.
'Don't think about it!' Came another cry, this time from Jared.
Her hands trembling, she still had a firm hold as she gripped a branch of the apple tree by the shed. I c-c-can't!' A gust of wind blasted into her, causing her dark hair to whip about like crazy. A small scream escaped her lips.
'Jump, jump, jump!' chanted all five of her brothers together.
'Be daring, Thea! Stop being a wuss!' Called up Marley.
Thea's eyes opened with a snap and scowling down at Marley she let go of the tree, and stood up on the shed. Taking a deep breath, Thea jumped.