75. Yodel 75. Yodel Samira’s eyes were closed as she rested her head back against the desk behind her. The Slytherin’s legs were propped up on the desk in front of her and she was just drifting off when…
“YODALEH-HE-HOO!” came a loud, boisterous voice from beside her.
Samira’s head snapped up sharply. “YODALEH-HE—”
“Nika!” she snapped, annoyed.
“Huh?” asked Nika.
“What in the name of Merlin are you doing?”
“Oh.” Nika grinned. “I’m practicing my yodeling!”
Samira dropped her head back against the desk with a wince and groaned.
“YODALEH-HE-HOOOOO!” Oh my Salzar…this girl is truly and undeniably insane…
Last edited by Samira Malfoy Potter; 06-25-2011 at 05:25 AM.