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Old 06-24-2011, 07:56 PM   #257 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 11,282
x1 x2
Default Catching uuuuuuup. I might've completely screwed these calculations up... tired. :(
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi

Iris watched as all the calculations were done on the blackboard. Subtraction was her weak point. She was TERRIBLE at it. Dipping her quill into her ink, the Head Girl put her head down so she could get these challenge numbers done herself.

SPOILER!!: Iris's Parchment

First Challenge Number - 2
day of birth - month of birth

13 - 2
(1 + 3) - 2
4 - 2 = 2

TWO (2): One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.

Second Challenge Number - 2
year of birth - day of birth

2058 - 13
(2 + 0 + 5 + 8) - (1 + 3)
15 - 4
(1 + 5) - 4
6 - 4 = 2

TWO (2): One of the most common challenges, the number two stresses sensitivity to all human relations. One aspect of the two, as the symbol for duality, is that it requires constant vigilance to stay balanced in the juggle between two seemingly opposing forces. You will in time learn the balance point and how to maintain it by being sensitive and living in harmony with yourself and with others. The negative aspect of the 2 can deal with fear, timidity, or lack of self-confidence. A potentially painful Challenge, there may be a battle with subordination or unwarranted consideration paid to what others think. The value of this Challenge is that you become sensitive to the emotions and needs of others without sacrificing your own needs at the same time.

Third Challenge Number - 0
Second Challenge Number - First Challenge Number

2 - 2 = 0

ZERO (0): Also called the Cipher Challenge, it stands for all or nothing. The symbol of the circle, it can be full and empty at the same time. You have full free will to and choice to form your own world as one filled with love, compassion, integrity, vision, and to do great works. When governed by the 0 Challenge, do not take this time lightly. Nurture your desire to make the world a better place in consideration of your Destiny Number and the higher laws of universal order. The person with a 0 Challenge is said to have an 'old soul,' especially if you carry a master number as his or her Soul Number. You are expected to make choices that honor a higher awareness and foster spiritual growth on the material plane.

Fourth Challenge Number - 4
year of birth - month of birth

2058 - 2
(2 + 0 + 5 + 8) - 2
15 - 2
(1 + 5) - 2
6 - 2 = 4

FOUR (4): When 4 is your Challenge, you're learning the significance of discipline, orderliness, practicality, and hard work. Learn how to work within the boundaries, limitations and restrictions of this difficult challenge and learn how to set boundaries with others. Learn to suppress impatience, inflexibility, narrow-mindedness, and self-righteousness.

Putting her quill down, Iris picked up her parchment to double check over all of her work. It all LOOKED right... Hmm. Then, going to her textbook, she begun to read over the meanings of these challenges. They didn't seem... too... bad. Time to copy them into her notes, Iris figured. The tediously boring part of Arithmancy.

Iris looked around the classroom once she'd done that, just watching the other students... Oh, Merlin... how she was going to miss all of this next year.
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