Oh, yes, Ellie felt people LOOKING at her. Nosy, nosy people. And, guess what? She didn't care. So they could just turn away and be good little students, mkay?
Hey! An art class in Hogwarts wouldn't be such a bad idea. Not that Ellie was particularly artistic, but it would beat most of the other subjects taught by a longshot. Including Arithmancy. Ellie only took it because she LIKED Hadley.
Ironic how the only Professor that ever takes points from her is one of Ellie's FAVORITES.
She eyed the door when Hadley pointed to it, considering the option because, no, she didn't want to do calculations. Her hand automatically went to her cheek at the Professor's mention...before falling down onto the desk. Wrong cheek, Ellie. Heh.
The door was still there, but she LIKED Hadley enough to walk out. So...she was staying. Just, maybe, not
here. She needed a friend to help her. Where was Lola Jones when you needed her, eh?
She did spy Salander, though. And he was older...wiser? Well, he seemed to know what he was doing...or was at least doing SOMETHING. And Ellie was going to go to him. Yup. It wasn't hard or anything, either, since she was textbookless and all she had was her quill and partially black parchment.
Quickly, she moved to the desk beside him...Hadley wouldn't mind, right? And she scooted it over, much closer to see his parchment better.
"Hi Sal... I'm lost." So, care to help a poor, innocent, confused little fourth year?
Oh, he didn't mind either, right?
So long as he wasn't going to volunteer for these Challenges. Meh. Like THOSE sounded any better than Pineapples. They sounded WORSE. Challenging. Meh.
But Evelyn volunteered, so hopefully Ellie'll be safe with Sal.