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Old 06-22-2011, 07:58 AM
Angie Angie is offline
Default CoMC #2: Winged Horses

The school stables greet with you with a musky but pleasant odor, when you step inside. Thanks to a handy charm placed inside the place, it is strangely warm, given how cold the February afternoon is outside. Weak rays of sun are shining down through the wooden beams of the high ceiling and the sound of cold wind blowing outside is audible. Except for professor MacFusty sitting on a wooden chair, reading a book, the stables, which are usually the home of several young Abraxans, appear to be quite empty.

Ooc: HEY, GUYS! This lesson will begin in approximately 10-12 hours. So utilize this time to role-play your character arriving, and whatnot. The class in general, though, will run somewhat slow because yours truly is in the middle of exams. Please bear with me!