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Old 06-21-2011, 06:01 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ren Sakura View Post
"Hmm...." the Department Head pressed his fingers together and looked carefully at the Minister's emissary. "Someone to assist me...." or keep tabs whether he was doing his job or not. Although really Ren shouldnt have to be bothered with Lord Borr, after all, if he wasnt babysitting adults then he is dealing with them outside of these halls on a request that would likely come from the same man himself.

Seriously he should be paid twice.

"So the Liason will be like... a deputy, to the Department Head? Taking a bit of the tedious work off our hands?" He would like to think that it was something as trivial a job that can be filled by a glorified Admin assistant, but sending reports out on a weekly basis was much more invasive. He slid a hand across the edge of his desk and braced his arms against it as he continued "Just how detailed would you require this update to be Ms Ward? You do know that in this Department there are information and activities that shouldnt be widespread Ministry knowledge, much less public knowledge."

His eyes glanced across the open area down the circular desks of the Unspeakables below "I may have..... but I want to keep my options open." he replied as his returned his gaze to the lady across his desk. Loose lips sink ships after all, certainly he wouldnt want to have such a person in so delicate a position.

This man seemed suspicious. As far as Medea was concerned, he probably had good reason. Not that she cared, her job was to get the Liaisons, not coddle the Department Heads and their insecurities.

”You can utilize them how you see fit, but yes a deputy of sorts. If you need to get information to the Minsiter’s office, or vice versa they could handle that for you.” Suddenly the conversation seemed to take a bit of a hard right. Was he implying she couldn’t be trusted? Or that Minister wasn’t competent enough to hire trustworthy people? Or was he trying to hide something?

”Mr. Sakura, the updates aren’t for me. The updates are for the Minister. She put emphasis on the word Minister. ”He is the one who tells me what information is required and collected.” Well, sorta. She had never spoken to the Minster, let alone met him. And more than likely she’d get instruction from Mr. Greingoth, and he’s the person she’d actually turn reports into. But she was sure Mr. Greingoth’s instructions came from Lord Borr.

The woman closed the file that was in her lap and folded her hands patiently on top of it. ”I’m not sure what you’re implying sir, but I assure you the reports will be handled with the strictest secrecy. Your Liaison already has knowledge of the goings on of the department, so there should be no concern with that.” Next up her, ”And Mr. Sakura if you are implying that I am not to be trusted I suggest you take that up with the Minster and Undersecretary as they are the ones that appointed me.”

Yes, she went there. Medea sat silently for a moment, the tension could be cut with a knife. With that said she had tremendous respect for this man, thoroughly impressed.

”I understand you’ll want to deliberate over the files and employees,” Medea paused for a moment and looked to where the man across from her had just been gazing. ”I will need to know your choice in two weeks time. I’m sure that won’t be an issue.” The dark haired woman didn’t want to be waiting around for him to make a decision. She would take it to a higher level if need be.
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