Dark eyes follow Trevors as he exits the door. It wasnt so much that Ren found him odd-- more so... inconsistent, the man's seemingly purposeful avoidance to direct questions being more of an conundrum with the Department Head. Was he hiding something? A truth or a bluff?
Originally Posted by
Following the direction of the employee on the floor Medea climbed the stairs.
Reaching the top of the stairs she looked around, ”Mr. Sakura?” This place was certainly different than every other department she visited. IT WAS AWESOME! This place was so quiet, spooky and intriguing. And the best part was they could be creating ANYTHING, and no one would know. Medea wanted to laugh a powerful cackle sort of laugh, but opted for a more professional approach. ”Mr. Sakura, its Medea Ward; I owl’ed you about the Liaison position?”
Mentally brushing the issue aside his eyes rest on another figure that appeared by the threshold "Oh yes, Ms Ward." he greeted her as he stood up respectfully. Quite uncharacteristic of him to do so, but then she
is from Lord Borr's office. "Please have a seat." he gestured with his wand as a comfortable chair materialized across his his desk. He selected a document from amongst the paperwork and glanced over the letter quickly "Hmm, yes the Liaison position... do you mind if you can explain to me a bit more about what this person is supposed to do?"