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Christopher walked over to the Reading Lounge from the shelves, a pile of books towering so high they nearly blocked his vision in his arms. He bit his lip, remembering that he should probably walk slower if he didn't want the teetering stack of literature to cascade out of his arms and onto the floor. That happened to him enough already.
He gently slid the books onto a table and slid into a seat next to it. Strangely enough, as much as he hated living in the Muggle world, he couldn't get enough of its literature! William Shakespeare, Voltaire, Charles Dickens, he loved them all! He was rather nerdy, but he didn't really mind it. He was teased so much he hardly noticed it anymore. The third year pulled off the topmost book on the stack, which, very much to his delight, was one of his favourites, The Taming of the Shrew.
As soon as he opened up the book, Christopher slipped off into his nerdy world of Shakespeare once again.
Kurumi, deciding to put all research having to do with old issues of the Daily Prophet aside, pulled out her Ancient Rune notes and textbook to work on that assignment. She hadn't meant to, but she had ended up putting it off until the last minute due to Quidditch practices. She wanted to break out in hives just thinking about that to be perfectly honest -especially after receiving news about the roster.
Shaking her head, Kurumi buried her nose in the pages of the book, catching a bit of dust as she did, and sneezing loudly. As eh rubbed her nose, Kurumi looked to her right and saw a boy she had seen in the common rooms before with a GIANT stack of books. Leaning over just a bit, Kurumi read the title of the book in his hands. "
I always preferred As You Like It," she whispered, hoping that she wouldn't startle him.