Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
As Alexander stepped into place on the left side of the lift, he regarded the man with a split-second look. "America, hmm?" he asked, pushing the button to indicate where he'd like to go. "...and what was your business there if you don't mind me asking?" Hearing the man wanted to see level ten, he also pushed the button for that level and then watched as the doors to the lifts closed.
"Alexander Greingoth," he said, introducing himself as well, "but it sounds as if you already know that." He reached out and returned the man's handshake. He supposed it was easier to figure out the name of the Senior Undersecretary than it was the Counterfeit Magic Identification Specialist. "Well, welcome to the Ministry, Mr. Dubois."
Stepping in he leaned against the wall on the right side of the lift and crossed his arms. "I just graduated from SMU (Salem Magical University). I'm back home and working here. He smiled. The guy seemed nice, just like he'd remembered. This guy was the same one that used to run The Leaky Cauldron.
"I remember you from The Leaky Cauldron, you used to run that place of memory serves. My first stop when I got home from Drumstrang every year was to go by your place for a butterbeer." He smiled letting the man's hand go. ""Thank you for the welcome Mr. Undersecretary. I hope I don't let you down." He bowed respectfully.