Thread: Broom Games
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Old 06-15-2011, 08:02 PM
demented_death_eater demented_death_eater is offline
Default Broom Games

Lesson #2: Broom Games

Wednesday, 15 JUN @ 4pm EST to Friday, 17 JUN @ 11pm EST

Who Can Attend
Hogwarts students of all ages are welcome to attend

What to Bring

School broomsticks will be provided for First Years and for those who do not own their own broomsticks.

Everything for the second flying lesson of the term was in place but certain pieces of equipment were currently hidden from curious eyes.

Only Professor Vindictus knew what game they were going to learn today. He leaned against the broom rack and took off the pirate hat (which he thought was pretty cool to wear) while waiting for students to arrive.