Originally Posted by
How do you manage to make me wanting
more chapters at the end lf every chapter? Awesome chapter!

I am glad you are enjoying it so much!
Originally Posted by
Ooh! I love this FF!

Allie, you are an amazing writer

I can't wait to read more!

Aww thanks Mansa
There was silence in the hospital as the three kids stared at Dean as if he'd just spoken another language. Dean stared back at them, shifting uncomfortably from being under their focused gaze.
"Um...and how exactly are we to get a ring from Death seeing as he's Death in all?" asked Ron.
"Haven't gotten that far yet," said Dean, stepping past the kids and back through the door they had come from.
By the time that the group had made it out of building and back to his Impala Dean could feel the panic inside him rising. How were they supposed to get the ring from death? I mean, the man was death after all. Dean climbed into his car, waiting for the rest to file in before he started to pull out of the driveway.
"So, where are we off to now?" asked Sam, looking at Dean with a somewhat confused expression.
"I guess we'll head back to Bobby's and start to do some investigative work. See if we can't track down where death is," said Dean with a little shrug.
"Well, while you guys are doing that perhaps we could work on finding out what we need to destroy the horcruxes," said Hermione.
"Yeah, sure. I know we're muggles and all but anything we can do to help we will," said Sam, giving them a reassuring smile.
"Thank you," said Hermione.
The car rode in silence as they traveled along the road, Dean focusing on the vast fields they passed along the sides of the road as they got closer and closer to Bobby's. Dean wasn't sure if he should be concerned or relieved that this whole witches and wizards thing wasn't making him as uneasy as he thought it would. Was it normal that he wasn't concerned? Was it normal that he wasn't even really all that surprised anymore? Dean bit is lip slightly, knowing that he was far from normal but after all he'd seen in his life it was hard for him to be normal.
Dean pulled the impala into the gravel driveway that was enclosed by rusted car and cars parts that Bobby kept in his yard. Bobby was sitting in his wheelchair in front of his red picnic table, a book laid out in front of him. He had looked up upon their arrival, his eyes taking a concerned look when he spotted the three kids.
"Hey Bobby. This is Hermione, Ron, and Harry," said Dean, giving them an introduction with a casual wave of the hand.
"And who are they?" he asked, rolling his wheelchair over so that he was in front of them.
"Wizards," said Dean with a little grin.
"Uh-huh," said Bobby, waiting for him to tell him the truth.
"I uh, am not kidding," said Dean, bending down and pulling a beer out of Bobby's open cooler.
"Well...uh, nice to meet you all," said Bobby, giving them a little smile.
"Nice to meet you," the three of them said back, basically at the same time.
"So, we need some help tracking down death and they're going to work on tracking down what they need to destroy this horcrux things," said Dean, enjoying the beer as it went down his throat.
"Well, I have tons of books in the house. Not sure if they'll be of any use, but you're welcome to use them," said Bobby.
"Thank you," Harry said.
"Why don't you take them inside Sammy. We'll be in in a minute," said Dean.
"Yeah, yeah sure," said Sam, leading the three kids inside. Dean waited until the door was closed before he turned to Bobby.
"So, care to explain everything?" Bobby asked.
"Apparently Lucifer is teaming up with this powerful wizard that those three kids are supposed to take down."
"Yeah," said Dean. Cass had been standing by the car, his eyes zoned out in thought.
"Well...can we help them at all?"
"I have no idea. We're kind of weak and unknowledgeable about the things they're facing so I don't know."
Bobby took a swig of his own beer. "Well, did you have any luck with Pestilence?"
"Yeah, we got his ring, but there was something he said before he disappeared that has me nervous."
"What'd he say?"
"He has a surprise for us, or something along those lines."
"Well, that can't be good."
"Nope," said Dean. "Any idea what he could mean."
"Well, from what I dug up while you guys were out was that this major medical business had just dropped off a large shipment of something to the hospital right before those people started to get sick."
"Okay," said Dean, feeling like Bobby was about to say something worse.
"And it looks like the business is about to make a couple of more large shipments throughout the state tomorrow."
"Oh good," said Dean, taking another swig of his drink.
"Looks like death will have to wait," said Bobby.
"I can't believe I'm bummed about that," said Dean with a grim smile before pulling another beer out of the cooler.