After spotting one innocent-looking cat just sitting at a spot licking it's body. Hayley approach it as quick and silent as possible, not wanting the cat to run away, which leads to her chasing it.. Okayy.. Just close enough to the cat, she squat facing the cat and does the action that she always do to especially any animal and where everybody would think a lunatic would do. "Please don't bite me... I have a cookie -thankfully she thought - just be good enough to let me carry you to the classroom? I promise to be nice and gentle..." in reply, the cat just meow at her. Does it mean good? Hayley then takes her favourite cookie, brakes in into little pieces and throw one lightly to the floor near the cat. ... ... ... ... ... tha cat sniffs it, at then eats it.. The cat then looks at her hopefully for more and meows at her again.. "Really????" Then she threw more bits of it until the last piece..
"Okay..." She threw it, and when the cat is still munching on it, Hayley just grab it at walk to the classroom ignoring more meows from the cat...