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Anna Banana Wait--had Hissy Fit just run out the classroom? With all the others?! There were blasted cats everywhere, and it was hard to tell which was which or where Hissy Fit might be. "Move, you blasted animal!" she said, as one of the random cats ran past her, tracking all across her foot in the process. She made a move to flick out her wand, but she remembered she'd left it in the classroom. Bahhh.
She saw an army of the creatures up ahead, and she thought that if she could just back them into a corner, she'd be able to at least grab one. "Hissy Fit?" she asked, still worried for her cat. If someone captured him and got him into a foul mood, there'd be prices to pay!
Nika turned around and saw Sierra, the slytherin who she hug! attacked, was also having trouble catching a cat. The slytherin is just plain mean, but help was help no matter who it was...
"Hey Sierra! You wanna work together to catch cats?" Wow. She never thought she'd say that... These lessons were getting weirder and weirder by the day.