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Katelynn could feel her body explode in happiness as she realized who had just poked her shoulder. But! Even though she was dying to turn around and hug her blonde friend, she resisted. She wanted to have some... fun. *mental smirk*
Sitting on the bench, she slowly turned around and looked at her friend as evil-like as she could. "No" she said in a slow voice, she didn't even know she could make. Kate got up, and start walking away. Suddenly she turned around, and ran towards Fee, laughing. "FEEEE!" she exclamined and jumped over the bench and knocked down the Snake. Katelynn laughed even harder, and helped Fee get up.
"How are you? It's been forever!" she asked, grinning.
Fee's eyes grew wide as she saw Lynnie sitting there liek that.Was something wrong with her?Come on that couldnt be.Shouldnt Lynnie be bursting out in pleasure to see Fee?They hadnt seen eachother for sooo coome on Katelynn. And then the second year was walking away.Really?!The Slytherin was starting to get disappointed as she heard the brunette screaming her name.Hehe.That was waaay better."Lyyyynnniiiieeee",the blonde exclaimed hugging her friend while falling to the ground.Now that was a really wild hello.Hehe.getting up the third year readjusted her dress and her hair."
I am good",she noded,"
and you? What have you been up too? I missed you girlie."