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Love got up and looked herself over to make sure that she was alright. Was she alright? Yeah, she was perfectly fine. "I do that all the time when I get a good book. I never seem to learn my lesson." Love laughed at her own words. She always seemed to be lost in books but most of them were muggle books but she also loves muggle television shows. American ones are the best. Well most of them are. "I'm fine. Nothing seems out of place or broken." It was totally true. She was perfectly fine. "Yes I am new here. I just came fresh from Beauxbations." Ahh she did miss her friends but she didn't miss Beauxbations. SALVATORE? What the heck? Was she related to the girl? Cousins? Maybe not even related at all. "Nice to meet you Freya." Love said nicely. "I'm Love Salvatore. Fourth Year Hufflepuff."
Freya sighed in relieved when the girl understand how a good book could distract you.
"Thank Merlin you okay. I thought you've an injury or something." she could get too much trouble because of that, the worst part she could lose house points.
See. See. She was right. The girl is come from French and from Beaubations too. That's awesome!
Blink. Blink. Blink.
"Did you said Salvatore?" She's pretty sure that the only Salvatore who was come from French is her cousin Beck and his family. She never heard any other Salvatore lived in French. Was she related to this girl? "Are we related to each other?" she couldn't help herself to ask that question because she never saw this girl before when there's Salvatore family gathering.
"N-Nice to meet you too, Love." she said after recovering from the shocked.
"Fourth year you said?" So she's a year a head me? and a Hufflepuff too? Wow!
"I'm a third year, Slytherin." she told Love.