Many of the characters that I'm using were the creation of the fabulously talented J.K.Rowling. I do not take any credit for her characters.
Chapter One
Late one night, just before the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were due to arrive for their first term of the year, the Headmaster of the school, Professor Dumbledore, was pacing in his office. For, he knew that a new kind of student would be arriving along with all of the others.
You see, six months prior Dumbledore had been summoned to the Ministry of Magic. He was to be briefed on an extremely strange situation.
Even the Minister himself, Cornelius Fudge, did not know how to handle such a difficult situation. However, he knew that he had to figure out a decision.
Fudge was sitting at his desk when Dumbledore arrived at the Ministry. His hands were sweaty and he had beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He still wasn't completely sure of how he was going to break the news to Dumbledore of his latest and biggest problem. He took in a deep breath to relax himself when the doors to his office swung open. In their place stood a familiar face, Professor Dumbledore.
"Albus, I have a very important question to ask you before I begin," said Cornelius as if though he were asking for advice.
"Minister, I may have an answer, that is depending on it's content."
"Do you think that Muggles are capable of learning to use magic?" asked Fudge.
"You have to understand, Minister, Muggles.... Well, they may be able to learn how to use magic, but to what skill level I do not know. They don't
possess the tolerance for the unexplainable as we in our world do. They only see what they want to see. Why do you ask, Cornelius? "
"Albus, I'm afraid we have a situation that is going to need your direct
and expert attention. It has recently come to my attention that about nine years ago, a two year-old boy was found on the door step of Divinity
Wellheart; she works within the Ministry. As it turns out she has been hiding the fact that her adopted son is a Muggle. "
"What are you trying to tell me, Cornelius? "
"This boy has lived in our world for nine years , Albus !" exclaimed a frustrated Fudge. "What do you think? Divinity has requested the boy be
admitted to Hogwarts. I told her that I needed to make some inquiries first. That's when I sent you an owl. I wanted to know if it was even possible to teach the boy. I didn't want to waste anyone's time and effort if you didn't think it was possible. "
"I think it would be wise to take it one term at a time. After all, he has
grown up in our world for nine years, he is no ordinary muggle. What is his
name? "
"Justin Wellheart," answered Cornelius.