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Old 06-10-2011, 03:12 AM   #163 (permalink)
Canoir Greengrass
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hanna H. Holtby
Fourth Year
MiaSanMia! | Bavarians ♠ Mrs. Gale Hawthorne

SPOILER!!: Cap'n Gemma Cerulean
Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
The professor smiled as the students one by one finished up the little quiz. She flicked her sword and all of the papers with their pirate names shot into the air and flew towards the board. As they reached the board, it looked as though they were absorbed into the board and by one...each person's name and pirate name was listed across the board in an old fashioned type handwritting.


Gemma turned to watch and once everyone's name was done being written out on the board, she turned back to the class and with a smile said, "Arg! Ye be some strong pirate names!" she said with a little wink as she held up her sword and pointed it out at the classroom.

She put her sword down on the handrail in front of her and smiled suddenly talking like herself again, "Hello everyone! And welcome again to Lesson Two of History of Magic! This week we will be covering a subject that is rooted in both Magic and Muggle history. This is something that just recently has sparked the interest of many wizards here at Hogwarts and in the Wizarding Community with the arrival of our mystery ship in the lake..." she said motioning with her hand out the window that faced the mystery ship.

She paused and then glanced across the faces of the students, "Ay! I be talkin' about Pirates!" she said with a smile and her best pirate accent.

"Pirates are something that can be found in both Muggle and Wizarding history. And in both accounts are often linked to some kind of magic. In the wizarding world, most of the magic that the pirates used is easily explained. In the Muggle world, the magic was a mystery in their stories." she said with a smile.

"I had you take the pirate name quiz just as something fun...don't worry I won't call any of you by those names." the professor said with a little nod up and down. "But before we get too far into pirates, can anyone name any famous or even fictional pirates from either the wizarding or muggle world and stories?" she said looking out into the crowd.

OOC: Please have fun listing these pirates. They can be anything from movie pirates to real pirates to fairy tale pirates to anything. Please limit your answers to one to give the others a chance to answer! I'll give you a little bit of time to get answers in! Don't forget to raise your hand first! And remember there should be no talking/chatting cuz Gemma is stalking watching you...
Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
The professor smiled and as the students started listing the pirates, their individual pirate names disappeared on the board and were replaced with the list of Historical and Fictional Pirates in history.

She glanced out at the students, "Let's add a couple of more names up there." she said with a flick of her sword and slowly a few more names were added to the list.

After checking to make sure the names were added, she turned back to the students, "I'm sure many of you have heard the legends associated with Pirates and understand what they are. Like I mentioned before, Pirates are an important part of the wizarding and muggle world and have helped shape our history in many ways. " she paused for a second and then continued, "Pirates have influence the history of magic by through the many pirate legends and stories of different mystical and magical events that often surrounding the stories associated with pirates. Muggles thought these stories were just fables or imaginations, but we know that they were actually events of magic or magical creatures. There are plenty of instances that it was apparent that some pirates were actually wizards. There are other instances that the muggle pirates had encounters with actual magical creatures." she let that sink in for a few seconds.

"A great example of this would be muggle pirates running across a creature that puzzled them known as a mermaid....we are lucky to have a little knowledge of mermaids since they do inhabit our lake and occasionally we get to interact with them." she said with a little nod up and down.

"Can anyone think of another example of either pirates encountering magical creatures or examples proving that a pirate was a wizard?" she asked. She knew this would have to make some of them think.

OOC: Have fun thinking of answers for this one. You can mention anything that could be interpreted as magic. Think about movies and crazy legends that you might have read about or seen. You can say that any of the pirates were wizards as long as you have a creative answer to back it up. Remember Gemma is watching so not chatting. Have fun!

Pirates and the magical creatures? Hmm..Freya raised her hand "Professor. Umm..I mean Cap'n Cerulean. How about Calypso?" she asked and continued her answer. "The pirates were believe that Calypso was goddess of the sea that help them but the fact Calypso was a nymph." Nymph was a magical creatures, right? "And in one of the muggle movie Calypso was trapped into a human form and she become a witch that help the pirates in their journey." she said.
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