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"Since we are the Transportation Department, why don't we have some decor along those lines?" Jayden suggested. "We could have model brooms mounted to the walls... or even flying around." He leaned back in his seat and looked up. He could just picture child-size brooms whizzing around up there.
Ahh there was the male who would speak up.
"Interesting Jayden, but definately doable! Good job!" he nodded to the man. That would certainly give it a nice feel for Transportation, and why not. He had things like that mounted in his office. Armen added it to the list.
Level Six Dry-Erase Board
Ideas/Suggestions for Office
+ Fans/Breeze-like air charm for the level (Potentially whole Ministry)
+ Aquarium or Coi pond, with fish and small plants around it.
+ Multiple flower arangements
+ Mount brooms and other items involved with Magical Transportation.
Ok so now that they had the main suggestions, they could start working on them if they wanted to.
"Good ideas everyone! Now if you think of something else feel free to come up to the board and add it or if you want to keep them private don't hesitate to bring them to me and I will add them myself. So let the work party begin!" he clapped his hands.
Sections sounded as if they would work best.
"Everyone who wants to help with the pond go to the Waiting Area. Whoever wants to put together flower arrangements can head on down to the City Park just across the street and then return here to put them together and into place." he paused and consulted the board again.
"The fans and charms we will put into place after I send the memo to Lord--Minister Borr for him to approve and that leaves, Magical Transportation objects. Anyone working on this can work here and begin to hang things as soon as you decide what you will use, there are plenty of old Portkeys, brooms, floo powder bags and Apparation Hoops around the level if you want to go and find some to use!" Armen was absolutely beaming, Borr was certainly on to something deciding that they should all do this!