Originally Posted by
fire_faerie "Hi there," Ryden replied, her eyes drawn - naturally - to the sketchbook the other girl had just placed on her lap. Was that... Oh no. She'd managed to find one of those girls who were into FASHION DESIGNING. Ugh. Those were always airheads. The brunette had nothing against fashion, and quite enjoyed shopping when done in small quantities and with Bridget, but designing...
That was like art. And ARTSY people were airheads.
"You're into clothes?" and this question was for the benefit of the doubt. And because this was the place where she met the only friend she had at Hotwarts. Yep.
Yeah... I suppose I am" Dani smirked- "
I mean... yeah. I'm not like obsessed but... I was kinda brought up by a Fashion Photographer- so..." she laughed as she watched the girl. "
It's fun to draw out new pieces- it feels amazing when something just comes to you- and it could actually become an outfit on a model" she nodded. "
But... it's not really a realistic career path, I'd love to model, but..." she shrugged. Alexa had always encouraged her to model, obviously because of her career- and Dani really enjoyed it. But to her it wasn't really a viable career. She'd most likely go into the Ministry, still harbouring her secret wish to be in the MLE team one day, she wasn't so sure though... she sighed and turned to the girl again- "
I'm Danielle, by the way. But you can just call me Dani" she smiled warmly at the other girl.