Originally Posted by
This is truely amazing! I'm working on something similar to this! Keep going!

Hehe. Thanks!
The Chase
Post Twins
“CAMRYN MARIE MASON!!! Get back here right now!”
Abigail had been chasing the two year old through the house for the past 10 minutes. She glared at Alex who was just sitting there, laughing along with Lillie. He could’ve been helping Abi wrangle the other two year old towards the bathtub, but nope. He had to laugh and make a big joke out of this. And knowing him, he was going to leave using Qudditch practice as an excuse. It was a good excuse, but he used it way too much. It had started to become his excuse for everything that he didn’t want to do. Which was pretty much everything that involved work.
Abigail stopped, completely out of breath. She gave Alex the dirtiest look she could muster, since he was still laughing at her misfortune. It got him to stop.
“I’m gonna put you down Lillie. I think Mommy needs my help.”
He placed the two year old in the chair. Now it was his turn to chase Cammie. He had an easier time than Abi had and caught the screaming two year old almost immediately.
“Thank you Alex,” Abi said with a sigh.
“No problem, Sis.” He smiled as he handed Cammie over.
It's shorter than the others...but still.