☆ Always Potterhead ☆ SSRPG Addict ☆ Coffee Addict ☆ A new classroom. Cool! Now she could actually concentrate on the meditation since the classroom is not crowded... Yet.
Standing at an empty space... Wait a minute! The classroom is empty anyways. Putting up her hands, Aiden stretches as how far her body could. Then, she begins to loosen her neck, shoulders, elbows, waist, knees and ankle joints before trying to touch her toes. Having long hands has it's advantage after all.
Drawing out her wand from her robe, Aiden points towards a dusty spot on the floor where she would like to meditate. "Tergeo!" she speaks the incantation in a calm, but demanding voice. The dust fades away, leaving a clean spot for her to sit.
A proper role model... A proper role model... Who should she choose? Lord Voldemort Albus Dumbledore? Severus Snape? Yes! Severus Snape it is then.
Setting down on the clean spot with her legs crossed and eyes shut, Aiden tries to relax her body. Drawing out full concentration, she thinks about Severus Snape, one of the very few people in history Aiden actually looks up to.
Wait! What is it the the Minister wrote about meditating about our role model again? Never mind. She will just think of his virtues. |