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Treyen returned his smile. See? This was the Conan he always wanted to see. "Actually, no problem with that, I won't even be able to...," perform magic? "...do anything extra special over the summer, so, I'll do everything you do," quite literally, too. He'll have to act like in France. All Muggle. That was fun.
Was it possible that Conan only wanted to join the Yearbook because Treyen was in the Yearbook as well? Or just because of the extra hang out place? "You do? Well, you'll need to apply for that, but I don't know who'll be the Editor next year...," oh, it hit him, James was a seventh year, the new Sir Awesome was leaving Hogwarts and was not going to be around...er, the library? Of course, Conan was a book person. He'd been reading at the feast. "Yeah, me too," they should study in there together, by the way, History, of course, because there was no need for magic in there...or...eh...better not.
AHA! He caught that. "Never said you didn't either." They were getting closer to the Common Room, though, better not to keep talking about that.
Conan frowned and shook his head,
"We can do special things if you want. But my wand stays in my trunk, in my closet. And doesn't leave before I get on the Hogwarts Express." He didn't want to ban Treyen bringing his wand, cos it was Treyen's special part. But Conan did live a very Muggle lifestyle. They went grocery shopping. Used electricity. He hoped Treyen would understand.
"I can do that. After exams, I guess." Though wasn't a yearbook just for seniors, not for second years like him?
"I tried to sneak in there after the feast. But I couldn't. So I was stuck reading in the Common Room til it was bedtime." Which for him was 4am local time. It had taken a few days to reset his body clock.
He didn't? Oh.
"Well I don't," he blurted. He had gotten rather defensive. Over a girl. What? Why?
"I mean...We are at the Common Room. Our Common Room." Not the Slytherin one. The Hufflepuff one.