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After that insane Ravenclaw girl left just like that, Helena walked around, feeling a bit mad, but she had no idea where she was going. She intended to go to the common room, but here she was, wandering around this corridor, or whatever it was.
She didn't pay much attention to where she was going, but she eventually noticed a figure, just standing there alone. And... as she got closer, the corners of her mouth had twitched into a smile. "Hey, stranger," the girl grinned, as she finally got next to her.
Turning when she heard a familiar voice, Samira felt the corners of her lips slide up.
"Hey, you." She moved closer and gave her friend a wave.
"Stranger indeed. I haven't seen talked to you in forever!" Of course they were both probably busy. What with insane Transfiguations teachers and ridiculous DADA assignments. Not that Samira was going to do them.
"So what's been going on in the life of Helena Hopkins?"