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Old 06-05-2011, 04:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default While the Chosen One Was Away - Sa16+
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

So here's another fanfic I've been debating about for awhile. It will be my third. My other two are A Little Golden Rose and My Life Flipped. The title pretty much gives everything away for this story. (It takes place while Harry, Hermione, and Ron are hunting for the horcruxes ) As usual J.K.Rowling owns all things that have to do with the lovely world of HP. So, I think that's it. I hope you enjoy!

Ginny passed golden coins around the small group of kids. They all sat in a tight circle in the Room of Requirement, except for Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley, who were standing in front of the other Hogwarts students.
“This is how we’ll stay in contact.” She gestured to a coin being flipped over in a Hufflepuff’s hand. “We’ll have meetings every two weeks. They need to fluctuate on days, or we’ll easily be found out.” The sixth year Gryffindor flipped a mane of red hair behind her shoulders. “Neville, is there anything else?”
Neville Longbottom turned to the group of students.
“Yeah… If you know anyone who’s willing to join the DA, bring them. We could use all the help we could get.” he said. “Just no Slytherins.” he added hastily.
Some of the kids smiled in response, and Neville seemed to grow an inch in height. He stood up straighter, an air of command surrounding him.
“Luna?” said Ginny.
“I think we’ve covered everything.” she replied, dreamily gazing at the back wall.
There was a silence for a few minutes, the only sound of Luna humming quietly to herself.
“Then, that’s it.” Neville conceded, clapping his hands together.
Mutters and whispers broke out and some of the students began to stand up, stretching from the hour long session of sitting on plump, tasseled cushions. Some kids looked around at the room that would be their new secret meeting place; From the bookshelves filled with spell books to the tapestries that hung in three of the House colors. The double doors in the back of the room started to appear as a few Gryffindors approached it.
“Oh, but first: Don’t let any of the teacher’s know about this. Especially the Carrows. And be careful about leaving and entering. We don’t want to be too obvious.” Ginny said before anyone left. She glanced at a pair Ravenclaws who were talking excitedly near her, too oblivious to even hear what she said.

One of those Ravenclaws was a fifteen year old girl named Abel Myers. The fifth year was absently flipping the golden galleon in her hand while she was listening to her friend talk. Her pin-straight, silvery blonde hair fell past her shoulders, making her pale skin look even paler. She had startlingly dark blue eyes and a splash of freckles across her cheeks. She smiled and giggled, instantly covering her mouth with her hand.
“Wait, Jasmine, she seriously said that?”
Abel’s friend, Jasmine Harte, nodded her head vigorously, her black rimmed, rectangular glasses sliding precariously down her nose.
“Yeah, Charlotte told me specifically that Keira Mannings has a huge crush on your brother.”
Abel looked for Keira, a pretty redheaded girl who was one of the few who had immediately headed for the doors when the meeting was over. Then she looked back at her seventeen year old brother, Aaron. Aaron was talking animately with his hands to Rayner and Mason, his two best friends. Like Abel, he had silvery blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was a few inches taller than the other two boys.
“Does he know?” asked Abel, still staring at him.
“Beats me. He’s your brother.” Jasmine twisted her already curly brown hair around her pointer finger. She gazed absently at a group of passing Hufflepuffs.
“Hey, isn’t that Carter?”
“What?” Abel spun around, looking in almost every direction except for where he actually was.
“By the door. He’s talking to Neville. I didn’t know he was joining the DA.”
Abel located the two Gryffindor boys. Neville and Carter were indeed standing by the door. They were talking, heads close together. Carter looked up, almost as if he had felt someone watching him. He glanced at the students walking by him, his green eyes finally falling on Abel and Jasmine.
Abel turned away, a flush of pink coming to her cheeks.
“Have you talked to him lately?” Jasmine pried.
“Not since that lab we had together in Herbology.” answered Abel.
“Go talk to him.” she suggested. She pushed a strand of brown hair behind her ear.
“He’s busy.” Abel muttered. She risked a look at the boy; he was back to talking with Neville, his head bent down as he listened.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”
“Quidditch.” the girl said simply.
Jasmine’s mouth turned into a frown. “I don’t think so.” she said slowly.
Ginny and Luna had joined in the conversation. They all moved away from the crowd and continued to talk in whispers in a corner.
“It could just be stuff about the DA-” Abel was cut off as her brother and his friends come closer.
Aaron wrapped his arm around his sister’s shoulder.
“I can’t wait to see what we come up with to mess with the Carrows.” said Aaron, a goofy grin plastered across his face.
“We aren’t here to mess with them. We’re here to give support to the other students. To give them hope.” said Mason in an all-knowing tone. He ran his hand through his cropped brown hair.
“Uh, not really. I’d rather mess with them.” Said Aaron. Abel elbowed him in the ribs, making him yelp and leap away from her.
Mason and Rayner broke out laughing. Aaron smirked and lunged at his little sister, who nimbly dodged away.
“Dude, you’re just making yourself look stupid.” Said Rayner.
“He does that all the time.” quipped Abel with a smile.
“No I don’t!” defended Aaron. He stood up straighter and adjusted his blue and black robes.
Mason chuckled before finally pulling him away from the girls. Rayner followed close behind.
Jasmine rolled her light blue eyes. “Your brother is so weird.” she said.
“I have to live with him.” said Abel.
Jasmine laughed and threw her arm over her friend’s shoulder. “Come on, we’re going to be the last ones out.”
The Room of Requirement had grown considerably quieter. Only a few kids remained; Including Neville, Ginny, Luna, Aaron, Mason, and Rayner. Carter had disappeared. The two friends walked into the corridor, the sudden coolness of the November air hitting them in the faces. Abel tightened her robes around her body and shivered. It was late. Out the windows, a crescent moon hung high in the sky. Stars glittered around it, each twinkling in the distance. The suits of armor turned to the sounds of their footsteps, but quickly returned to their positions after realizing it was just two students.
“They’ll always remain loyal to Hogwarts.” said Jasmine, following Abel’s gaze. One suit of armor held a long sword in it’s right hand and a big shield in the other. Hogwarts’s insignia was plastered in the middle.
“I hope so.” Abel whispered. She tore her eyes away it and instead stared at the floor.
“So I think I saw Carter watching you.” she said, nudging the girl in the arm.
Abel smiled; Even in these dark times, Jasmine was always trying to lighten the mood.

Well here's the first part. I hope it was okay.
But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me

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