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The first Quidditch match of the season. As she made her way to the stadium, clad in the neutral Ravenclaw colours, Ryden had to admit that for once, she agreed with the cheerfulness of the Hogwarts population. IT WAS QUIDDITCH TIME.
The brunette grinned. She LOVED LOVED LOVED Quidditch. Especially the Beater position - there was none like it. Getting to whack fiesty little balls at people and having an EXCUSE for it, as well as it helping your team, was the best. She liked chasing too, but she HATED being the seeker and because of her small size, she'd always get picked. BLEH. The fourth year had gone as far as persuade Bridget to change places with her so that she wouldn't have to chase a little gold ball the whole game.
BUT ANYWAYS. Today she was just watching. Truthfully, she wanted to see how good the players were here. Perhaps she'd even try out next year. Her thoughts went to her broom safely packed under her bed and itched for a chance to fly.
Looking around the stands, Ryden tried to spot people she may know. Mostly to see if she had to spend this game alone, but also to know who to avoid. Keeping alert in case unwanted people were to pass by, she carefully sat down right at the top step, wrapped her cloak tighter around her slight frame and began to people-watch, until the game starts.
Quiddich quiddich quiddich quiddich QUIDDICH! Ah...Samira loved it! And Slytherin was going to win, for sure. There was no doubt in Samira's mind that they would conquer. Although she wasn't on the team, the dark-haired girl was just as enthusiastic about the game as any other player.
Unfortunately, Samira didn't try out because, really, she was just too busy. It would be wonderful, but Samira just enjoyed watching, or flying for fun. Competitions tended to bring out her ugly side, and she didn't want to whole school to see
that side of her.
For the occasion, Samira was decked out in her proud
Slytherin outfit she threw together. She then looked for a spot to sit, being careful to avoid any Puffs. Not that she had anything against them, no, but she didn't want to get into a physical fight with the opposing side. That would
not be good.
Her eyes soon landed on a good-looking spot, next to someone she had never met before, but by looking at the colors the other person was wearing, she assumed it was a Raven. Ravenclaws were safe, thought Samira, and she made her way over and sat down. After a moment she turned and simply said,