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Gabben *With his hand holding Marie's Matty walked them up to the top of the stands. Under his other arm was a warm blanket and a thermos of hot chocolate. Setting a bit of the blanket down so they could sit he held an arm out to her and a warm smile.*
"After you."
Holding his hand she followed him to the top of the stands. Her favorite place to watch the match from. This was going to be an exciting match for her to watch. Ev was playing again for her house team and they happened to be playing against the puffs, Matty's house team.
Once they were finally at the top she sat down and pulled her robes tighter around her. Both sets that she had on. That's right, she was wearing two sets of robes today... it was December after all and she wasn't a big fan of the cold. Plus the robes that she had on under her own house robes just so happened to be Matty's old robes. Yep, this was her little way of showing support to his house team too, even if it wasn't visible support.