*hangs self* i feel embarrassed..i really don't know how to answer. xD :"> Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Ryoma shut the door behind him and cast a silent Muffliato on the area. There was no telling what was going to be said, but he had a reputation to keep up if nothing else.
Leaning against a barrel, he studied her as she spoke and a boyish grin appeared on his lips. Was she trembling? It was rather adorable and he suddenly had the urge to wrap her up in his arms and whisk her away on some romantic date. But, something inside him made him stop his usual antics and remain with his feet planted firmly where he was.
"Kitten," he cooed softly. "How can you betray something that wasn't yours to begin with?"
Yeah...he knew it was harsh...but he had to be in this situation. She looked down at her feet again, placing her hands behind her back, and hiding away the redness of her face from trying so hard to not cry.
he had a point. Ryoma wasn't hers. "I..." she opened her mouth again, to speak, but she had a feeling she would be saying something really stupid or what, but right now, she didn't care. She wanted to tell him the truth...of why she kissed Ryu...and how she felt when she saw him drop that bouquet on the table; that she ran after him-okay, leave that part out, she didn't want to let Ryoma know she twisted her ankle on that part. "I want to....l-let you know..." stop, stop, stop. Do not cry...do not! "t-that...I...r-really didn't...m-mean to k-kiss R-Ryu..h-honest..." she silently took a deep breath, trying so hard to calm herself down. What was he going to say next? that he didn't care?
thoughts ran in her mind. Maybe she did deserve that. She was in the wrong.
__________________ Heather Olsen~7th Year |