Panda Princess || Show the panda love | | lazy artist at work || strawberry milkshake <3 That happened fast. In fact, Camellia, instead of feeling relieved, was a little dumbfounded hearing Ryoma agree to talk with her. she was half-expecting a flat no in her face and that was it, but here she was, in the store room, about to talk with him.
Didn't she want this? Why is she wanting to back out now? Because she was scared, that's why and she was trembling as she went in the storeroom and stood, waiting for say anything. Anything he wanted to tell her....wait a second...isn't she the one supposed to say something? "R-Ryoma...I'm...I....I thought...I'd..." try to find the words Camellia, calm down for Merlin's sake. "I" she closed her eyes tight, so as to stop any urge for tears to appear. "I-I'm s-sorry....y-you trusted me...a-and i betrayed y-you......" her voice quivered as she said those words. Betrayed. Right.
she quieted down holding her breath for a few seconds and waited for Ryoma to speak.
__________________ Heather Olsen~7th Year |