♥ Anissel | Mrs. O'Pry's BFF | Sweet Pea's Lassie ♥ | Laura's Mango | Tycy ♥ 87. Plaid
Showing off her new plaid kilt, Lucy made her way into the kitchen. “Mornin’” muttered a sleepy Tyler, his eyes on the Daily Prophet in front of him.
Upset that he hadn’t seen her kilt, Lucy poured a cup of coffee and brought it to him, and then proceeded to jump into Tyler’s lap. “Morning,” She replied, purposely smoothing out the kilt.
Tyler glanced down at it slowly and then returned to his paper, sipping his coffee in silence.
Outraged, Lucy leapt up. “I like your skirt,” he said finally. “IT’S A KILT!” She yelled.
Tyler rolled his eyes—Scots.