Originally Posted by
Little Trooper
Keylee entered the confreance room to see who was all there. She was glad she wasn't late. She had her hoped she wasn't. "Hey everyone I am Keylee" she said will she sat down in a chiar waiting for the meeting to start.
Originally Posted by
Marie quietly walked into the Conference Room. There were a few people but she still thought a few more would come. She sat down in an empty chair. Everyone seemed to be chatting around. Now she just waited for something to happen.
Blake waved to the too ladies that had just walked in. He is ready for this meeting to just start already. It's not like he had anything else to do, but it was still tiring.
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" Blake, am I late?" J.J. Starr asked him. " Katalin is pregnant again" Joe Jon Montcenaggio said to Blake." This will be our seventh child and we adopted two more, so nine in all" J.J. explained to Blake. " I have my work done" he smiled.
Blake grinned at J.J. Starr as he walked in.
"No, I don't think so. The department head isn't even here yet so I think your fine." He said with a quick nod.
"Have a seat. I think the meeting will be starting soon... hopefully."