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The fourth year was wrenched out of her thoughts as another person spoke up. She listened attentive, growing more and more exasperated with her words - for they contradicted her own, of course - until she said 'metaphor' and Ryden let out a snort. The girl had some ok points, she'd give her that, but...
"I don't think there are metaphors in this field. But you've raised a point that I agree with - we don't know everything, and civilisations may use technology that we are unaware of. They may be more advanced in things that we're complete idiots if we consider the extent of our knowledge," she stated simply, swiveling in her chair to face the younger girl.
At least this one wasn't a moron. A little weird, with her metaphors, but no fool. FINALLY.
Kurumi's head turned around when she heard someone snort at her. Well, that was a bit uncalled for. They HAD been ASKED to DISCUSS the equation after all.
I suppose what I mean by metaphor isn't so much from a literature perspective. More of a...means to give scientist some basic ground work in their research in seeking out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before." Where had she heard that before? "
I dunno, this equation's major flaw is that is takes the stance that the only intelligent life out there is life like ours. That seems to provide a rather narrow window of opportunity in an already abstract concept."
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And she finally concluded for her sake, "So, again, I'm repeating that the equation can't give an accurate end result or 'N' to us, like most of you all have said. The whole main purpose of this is to show us that alien civilizations do exist and do communicate with us and that they exist." Satisfied? She wasn't agreeing with the equation. She's disagreeing. Zara simply wanted to show that there's still a reason why the equation exists. Plus, it's widely accepted in the scientific community anyways for some reason she doesn't know.
Kurumi then listened as Zara began to speak and she cocked her head to the side. "
On the contrary," she said slowly. Kurumi hated confrontation. "
I don't think this equation proves anything other than we are capable of calculating results that have a very slim chance of ever being mathematically accurate." Kurumi rubbed the back of her head and blushed slightly.