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Old 06-02-2011, 04:46 AM   #147 (permalink)
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Originally Posted by Meh Reh View Post
"After my first year," she said. "I just really... well, I really sucked to be honest. I didn't study as hard as I needed to. I mean it's completely my fault. I've got no one to blame but myself."

Sophia shrugged. No sense in lying about it. She'd catch up, and since she was doing better in everything she would be able to do it sooner than later.

She looked across the table, the OPPOSITE way from the older students, to see what else there was. Stretching, she reached for some fruit. Pineapple and mandarin oranges, yummy! Her choice of foods one after the other would be seen as weird, but it's food that made her happy. And refueled her after studying.

"Like," she began. "I normally have to study around 4 hours a night. I signed up for Astronomy..." She paused and shuddered. "That's gonna be a difficult class. I can tell already. That professor just knows EVERYTHING possible. I can see it in his eyes."

Sophia looked up at the new girl who literally bounced in. Hey, she walked just like she did sometimes. With the happy hyper type ordeal. She smiled, then picked up a fork and began to eat her pineapple and oranges as this girl talked to Alfie.
Alfie turned her attention back to Sophia as she began to explain when she realized she needed to take a year back, nodding her blonde head understandingly. She could understand being overwhelmed with coursework, and as Sophia took full responsibility, she suddenly had a new found respect for this girl she had just met. It was then that she mentioned having Astronomy for a class, "Hey, I have that too!" Alfie responded, blue eyes widening just slightly with a large smile. She quickly realized how excited she sounded and looked away with a weak smile, "Sorry, I just haven't had any friends in any of my classes yet. Or...really, any friends in general." She cleared her throat slightly, realizing how pathetic that sounded, and returned her gaze to the girl before her. "Anyway, have you met...Presley, was it?" she asked with a small smile, turning back to the younger girl at her side.
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