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Old 06-02-2011, 12:14 AM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Westeros [EST]
Posts: 6,444
caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose

✂ 54: Dare
Fall, 2072: Beauxbatons

Macy glanced back nervously. Her friends gave her a thumbs-up and grinned.

Carefully, she snuck behind one of Beauxbatons' most arrogant, self-centered drama queens and took a breath.

Flinging her arms around Orabelle's waist, Macy laughed.


Belle looked down in disgust. "Sinclair!" she squealed. "Get the bloody hell off me!" Who knew what kind of germs the girl was carrying?

Macy hugged her tighter, giving Belle a big kiss on the cheek before sprinting back towards her friends, who were roaring with laugher. "Alright, I did your stupid dare! One of you owes me five galleons!!"
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