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Lezleighd Gemma cocked an eyebrow at the young man, "Well I can assure you that students don't come to my class dressed like although professors can choose what they want to accept in their own classroom..." why was she explaining this to the boy...she wasn't sure...she was just too nice natured but he was pushing her. "However, that is beside the point...and actually has nothing to do with right now..." she motioned towards the pile of clothes again...
"Being in your underpants is just not appropriate....AT ALL." she said with a nod left and right. "So Mr. Taylor, you have one of three choices...." she paused and took a breath to keep from yelling at the young man, "One: Put on your current yellow robes and head straight towards your common room to change clothes and then go visit the COMC professor or the librarian to find out more information about this creature..." good one..."Two: Wrap up in the blanket I have provided and head towards your common room to change clothes and then go visit either of these ladies.." pause.... "Or Three: Refuse to get recovered or reclothed and force me to take points from your house..." she sure hoped he chose the first two because the last still wouldn't really solve anything but she hoped it would convince him to take care of this situation.
Conan shook his head,
"It is not beside the point. It is the same thing. It is also the same thing as spending the summer in your swimming shorts." He'd rather it be summer and he was in his trunks. But it was winter, he was in his pants, and he was freezing.
"The pogrebins might get me between here and the common room. So I won't be putting my robes back on. That blanket was charmed, so I won't be putting that on." Did noone understand his fear/dismissal of magic? Where were all the muggleborns when you needed them? He knew none.
Points? The school's form of punishment and reward. According to Treyen he was already being punished for not believing in magic anyway. And nothing was worse than what Treyen thought of him. Points were nothing compared to the disappointment coming from his best friend.