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It took a lot for Pierre to say he was afraid of someone, but right now: Armen was scaring him to death. He had never really seen the man like this before and it was kind of strange. Something had gotten into Armen since the last time that they had talked.
Pierre waited for Armen to stop with the questions, before he answered calmly. Well, as calmly as he possibly could right now. "I wasn't in Knockturn Alley, I was walking passed it on my way to Gringott's. And I wasn't egging them on! I was just curious as to what was going on!" If the department head couldn't tell, Pierre was getting angry now.
Pierre rolled his eyes, something he had always restrained from when talking to the Department Head. "Well, I have a few questions too. Like what were YOU doing in Knockturn Alley? And why is it such a big deal if I was 'egging' on those people? Their punishments were incredibly unnecessary!" Pierre had a feeling that he had crossed a line by this point, but he really didn't care right now. Armen had angered him.
The fear in Pierre's eyes was beyond noticeable and that only made Armen feel bad, on the inside of course. He was still seething. Why did this guy need to make things difficult, he didn't like acting this way but people just needed to smarten up and follow already.
"Well you just keep sticking with that story." he said with a snort. He really didn't want to say this but perhaps it would end the spying and following games.
"There are ways they use to get rid of those who are against the cause, its happened before. So you need to watch your step do you hear me Pierre?" he hissed again. He wasn't all mad at Pierre, he had been an old employee of him and he liked the man. He just really didn't appreciate the sneaking around.
Armen narrowed his eyes as the other man rolled his.
"What I was doing in Knockturn Alley was my business and those employees were being punished by the Minister of Magic, so if you have a problem with it than you can consult him." Armen was tired of arguing and threatening his old friend.
He stuck his hands in his pockets for a moment and then awkwardly turned to leave. Before he moved, however, he turned back to Pierre and his face softened a fraction of an inch.
"I mean it Pierre you need to watch youself." and then the Department Head swept from the room.