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Seeing a Slytherin conversing with another Slytherin, Ariana ran up, hugged them both, and walked off, looking at them and saying "Ten!" She giggled, walking backwards...
Maddox was startled right down to her yellow toenails when a random girl ran up and hugged her. Maddox being the sort of girl she was hugged her back.
"Thanks." she waved to the girl as she ran away.
"Well that is always a nice way to start the day." she commented.
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" Good point," Garrett said with a rare smile as they reached the portriat enterance to the kitchen. " well here." he said
After the hugging Maddox was in a good mood. A hug was always nice for that. And now she as heading to the kitchens for something totally fattening and bad and it made her toes wiggle in her shoes.
"Its in the picture?" she asked attempting to walk into the painting.