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Pierre walked to the entrance of the door and paused, placing a grin on his face. He spotted Armen sitting on one of the couches. He wondered what Armen was up too, but figured it had something to do with that stuff Pierre had been sneaking around when he was in transportation. He walked over to Armen and grinned. "Good morning Armen. How are you today?" He hoped the department head didn't mind that he'd dropped formalities. After all, Pierre had worked for the man for a while and had almost always called him Armen around the office.
Turning his gaze from the fireplace as footsteps began to be heard coming from further into the department, Armen looked up to see that Pierre had joined him in the welcoming area of level nine.
"Ahh there he is, good to see you Pierre." He said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
He remembered their last encounter outside of Knockturn Alley and then just the other day in the Atrium when Borr was tormenting that fellow from level one, and it seemed peculiar to him that he was always around Cultist happenings.
"So Pierre, do you mind if I have a word with you?" he knew that was implied by the whole him coming down here and all but he might as well ask. He looked around the room that was designed to be public and motioned for him to step over to the wall with him so they could at least have a bit of privacy.