I haven't requested from a shop in SO long but lately since everyone wants to perve on ol' Jimmy I figure now's a good time and eee open queues are funnn.
My internet is loading slowwwww, so I'll edit in the pictures in just a second.
What: Signature + Avatar
Size: Sig no more than 167 by 450, but can be less if it works better in the end.
Text: None necessary, lets not interrupt the pretty XD But you know, if you WANT to add stuff, you can. I just don't have any, you know, thing I want in tharr.
Colours: Ravenclawish? Masculine?
Pictures: These are coming *waits for slow internets* GAH so slow. ok is it ok if I just link to the
specific album in the gallery? I'm having internetissueeeess.