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This woman was rather pleasent and seemed to be able to interact with visitors well. He would have to inform Ren of her superlative work. "Nice to meet you there Virgo, from the Death Chamber." Wow that sounded like dreadful work, but to each person their own. He would just be sure to stay clear of angering her. A bit of interest was peaked in the Department Head however but he could always ask what happened down their later. Unspeakable, schpeakable.
"Good question, I've actually come to see someone here in Mysteries. Do you happen to know where I can find a Mr. Pierre Devereux, he's an old employee of mine and...a good friend." he grinned, almost as an after-thought. He needed to talk to him about something very important.
"Pleasure Mr. Recard" Virgo said to him. Virgo finally stepped out of her box ever since she started to work here. It's not in her nature to be as friendly as this and she doesn't talk much at all. Maybe working wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Virgo from the Death Chamber... That sounded absolutely creepy. In fact it sounded morbid and rigid in all angles. Virgo was always told by her friends that her position in the Mystery creeps the hell out of everyone else, before she definitely didn't think so but after hearing it from someone, she finally agreed. Yeah, it sounds like she's digging souls from the grave or keeping track of every ghost she comes across with.
Pierre Devereux... hmm... he sounded quite familiar to begin with. Think. Think. Think. Thankfully Virgo was well equipped with remembering names. Well she's a fast learner.
"Mr. Pierre Devereux from the Hall of Prophecies?" she asked. To begin with, their is only one Pierre Devereux, so Virgo is sure that he is the guy Mr. Recard is talking about.
"Mr. Devereux is in the work area right now." she told him.
"I should go tell him that you're here." she added.
She turned her back on the man but just before she could leave the place to go get Pierre, she turned to Mr. Recard
"Please, take a seat and feel comfortable" she smiled.
Off to see Pierre Devereux.