Goo goo g'joob
Jacob looked at the chair... There was no way Jacob was going to sit in that thing. He was above that. Jacob was in a sense royalty. One of the best known pirating families, he wore gems of kings, rings of princes, and the finest gold. And now he had to sit in THAT? This was unheard of... uncomprehendable.... and wrong.
And he was sitting. He Was Sitting In the Ugly, Nasty, broken down Chair.
It creaked a little, and wobbled beneath him. "Uhm... Professor. I believe there are regulations on the stability of chairs. And this definitely doesn't follow them." Yup, he was going to kill himself. There chair was gonna break, Jacob will break his neck, and Professor Plantley was going to have manslaughter charges against her.
But something broke through Jacob's man stink. Jacob sniffed the air several times. "Do you smell.... Smoke?" The Dungeons are on fire?! And Jacob didn't start it?! He wanted to make it bigger!!! Let him out to make it bigger!
But that was alright... Jacob will take credit for it anyways. Say he set whatever it was on fire in a fit of rage for being put in detention.
Did he know why he was down here? "Because I tried to help the world and it's plant-like organisms?" one badger at a time! Yup they needed to be gotten rid of. Any people who went around kneeing captains were bad people.